Appendix B 367
— the volume of make-up water supplied to the pool each
month, as recorded by a separate uncalibrated sub-meter;
— the cafeteria kitchen hot water temperature and the number
and rating of all kitchen equipment; and
— the open hours of the cafeteria kitchen and the value of food
sales each month.
- The baseyear energy use is shown on the above utility accounts
spanning the period January 1998 to December 1998. - The baseyear energy data were analyzed as follows. Multiple lin-
ear regression was performed on monthly energy use and demand,
metering period length, and degree days (DD). Degree days data
were derived from mean daily dry bulb temperature published
monthly by the government weather service for the city where
the school is located. No significant correlation with weather was
found for electric demand, summer electricity use in the field
house or summer gas use. Analysis found reasonable correla-
tion between weather and winter gas use and the main electric-
ity meter’s winter consumption. Therefore no other independent
variables were sought. The energy per DD and energy per day
data shown below describe the characteristics of the straight line
relationship found by the regression analyses:
Demand Consumption Consumption
Account Number KHJR3333-597 766A234-593 766B122-601
Units 103 ft^3 (10^3 m^3 ) kW-mo kWh kWh
Annual Total 10,238 (290) 5,782 1,243,000 62,000
DD Base 15°C 16°C 20°C
Winter Energy/DD 2.55 39.61 18.12
Regression Energy/Day 9.16 2,640 20.1
Analysis CV (RMSE) 9% 18% 5%