Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1

  1. a.Preconventional level: Follows intuitive thought
    and is based on external control as child learns
    to conform to rules imposed by authority figures.
    Example: Child learns that he will be sent to his
    room if he writes on the walls.
    b.Conventional level: This level is obtained when
    person becomes concerned with identifying with
    significant others and shows conformity to their
    expectations. Example: A college student gets all
    A’s in college so his parents will think he is a
    good son.
    c. Postconventional level: This level is associated
    with moral judgment that is rational and inter-
    nalized into one’s standards or values. Example:
    A bank teller resists the urge to steal money from
    a patient’s account because it is against the law.
    3.Sample answers:
    a.Freud: The 6-year-old is between the phallic and
    latency stage and will be experiencing increased
    interest in gender differences and conflict and
    resolution of that conflict with parent of same
    b.Erikson: The 6-year-old is becoming achievement
    oriented, and the acceptance of parents and
    peers is paramount.
    c. Havighurst: The 6-year-old is ready to learn the
    developmental tasks of developing physical
    skills, wholesome attitudes toward self, getting
    along with peers, sexual roles, conscience, moral-
    ity, personal independence, and so on. An illness
    could stall these processes.
    d.Piaget: The 6-year-old is in the preoperational
    stage, including increased language skills and
    play activities allowing child to better
    understand life events and relationships.
    e.Kohlberg: Moral development is influenced by
    cultural effects on perceptions of justice in inter-
    personal relationships. Moral development
    begins in early childhood and could be affected
    by a traumatic illness.
    f. Gilligan: Females develop a morality of response
    and care, level one being selfishness: a woman
    may tend to isolate herself to avoid getting hurt.
    g.Fowler: The 6-year-old is in stage 1—intuitive–
    projective faith. Children imitate the religious
    gestures and behaviors of others, primarily their
    parents, without a thorough understanding of

  2. a.Superego
    b.Identity vs. role confusion
    c. Formal operations stage
    d.Synthetic–conventional faith
    5.Sample answer:
    The family plays a vital role in wellness promotion
    and illness prevention. Family values and cultural
    heritage influence interpretation of illness. A health
    problem of any family member can affect the
    remainder of the unit. Many health practices are
    shared by the family. Sometimes the family may
    be the cause of illness.



Sample Answers
1.What developmental considerations may affect care
planning for Mr. Logan?
According to Havighurst, the developmental tasks
of later adulthood include adjusting to decreasing
physical strength and health, adjusting to retirement
and reduced income, and establishing physical
living arrangements. The nurse should assess
Mr. Logan’s self-esteem needs related to his feelings
of dependency on healthcare providers and his
family. The nurse could then base the nursing plan
of care on interventions to foster feelings of
personal dignity and worth.
2.What would be a successful outcome for this
Mr. Logan states that he is willing to participate in
his care plan and do everything in his power to
adjust to his situation by accepting the assistance of
others when necessary
3.What intellectual, technical, interpersonal, and/or
ethical/legal competencies are most likely to bring
about the desired outcome?
Intellectual: ability to apply knowledge of develop-
mental theories to nurse care planning
Technical: ability to provide technical nursing assis-
tance to Mr. Logan as needed
Interpersonal: ability to use therapeutic communi-
cation to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of
Mr. Logan
Ethical/Legal: ability to advocate for the unmet
developmental needs of Mr. Logan
4.What resources might be helpful for Mr. Logan and
his family?
Home healthcare services, community services,
support groups


1.c 2.a 3.b 4.b 5.c
6.b 7.b 8.b 9.a 10.c
11.c 12.b 13.d
Multiple Response Questions
1.a, d, e, f
2.b, c, e
3.b, d, e
4.a, b, e
5.a, c, e, f
6.a, b, f
Chart/Exhibit Questions

  1. 7

  2. 3

  3. 10

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