Study Guide for Fundamentals of Nursing The Art and Science of Nursing Care

(Barry) #1
c.Performance criteria
f.Target time
7.Which of the following goals are written
correctly? (Select all that apply.)
a.Demonstrate the correct use of crutches to
the patient prior to discharge.
b.The patient will know how to dress her
wound after receiving a demonstration.
c.After attending an infant care class, the
patient will correctly demonstrate the pro-
cedure for bathing her newborn.
d.By 4/5/12, the patient will demonstrate
how to care for a colostomy.
e.The patient will list the dangers of smoking
and quit.
f.After counseling, the patient will describe
two coping measures to deal with stress.
8.Which of the following accurately describe the
purposes of a plan of nursing care? (Select all
that apply.)
a.It represents an effective philosophy of
nursing and is intended to advance only
the nursing aim of promoting recovery.
b.It is prepared by the nurse who knows the
patient best and is recorded on the day the
patient presents for treatment and care,
according to agency policy.
c.It is a general guideline for care that is not
always a response to the individual charac-
teristics and needs of the patient.
d.It clearly identifies the nursing assistance the
patient needs and nursing’s collaborative
responsibilities for fulfilling the medical and
interdisciplinary plan of care.
e.It is separate from the discharge plan and
does not deal with teaching and counseling.
f.When appropriate, it is compatible with
the medical plan of care and that of the
disciplinary team.


1.A(n) is an expected conclusion
to a patient health problem.

2.When a nurse contemplates, while driving to
a restaurant for lunch, how to help a young
cancer patient accept the loss of a limb,
he/she is using the process of.
3.In acute care settings, the three basic stages of
planning that are critical to comprehensive
nursing care are , ,
4.From what part of the nursing diagnosis
“Pain related to delayed healing of surgical
incision” would outcomes be derived?

5.The , developed by the Iowa
Outcomes Project, presents the first compre-
hensive standardized language used to
describe the patient outcomes that are
responsive to nursing intervention.
6.When a nurse writes a statement regarding a
patient’s achievement of the desired outcome
and lists actual patient behavior as evidence
supporting the statement, he/she is writing
a(n) statement.
7.A(n) is any treatment based
on clinical judgment and knowledge that a
nurse performs to enhance patient outcomes.
8.When a nurse supplies education to an obese
teenager regarding the fat content in food and
helps him choose a nutritious diet, he/she is
performing a(n) intervention.
9.When a nurse administers physician-
prescribed pain medication to a patient
after surgery, he/she is performing a(n)
10.A(n) is a set of steps (typically
embedded in a branching flowchart) that
approximates the decision process of an expert
clinician and is used to make a decision.
11.The is the written guide that
directs the efforts of the nursing team as the
nurses work with patients to meet health goals.

Match the definition in Part B with the type of
care plan listed in Part A. Answers may be used
more than once.
a.Initial care plan
b.Ongoing, problem-solving care plan


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