Game Design

(Elliott) #1

sliding number puzzles, 142
Smash TV, 239, 240
Smoking Car Productions, 341
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 322, 334
Snyder, Doug, 88
So Long and Thanks for All the Fish, 175
social aspect of games, 157, 238, 433
social experience, 3-4, 5, 239, 250-251, 256
social interaction, 4, 240, 242, 248-251, 383,
socially unacceptable behavior, 7
SOCOM, 240
software toy, 11, 384, 412-413
solitaire, 238
solitaire games, 147, 171
solitary experiences, 5, 237
solo game development, xxiii, 108, 307,
339-340, 409
alternate, 10
multiple, 116-117, 120, 121-122
reasonable, 10, 13
to puzzles, 143
Sorcerer, 180, 185, 199
Soul Calibur, 8-9
sound, 417-418see alsoaudio
sound designer, 473
source code, 377
releasing, 261
Space Bar, The, 173,194,194-195, 195
Space Invaders, xx, 58, 62, 173, 393, 450
Space Lords, 102-103
Space Marine, 219
Space Rogue, 501, 502
Space War, 93, 108
spatial exploration, 6
Spector, Warren, 501-502, 503-504, 505,
506-507, 511, 525, 528
Spectrum Holobyte, 145
Spellcasting 101: Sorcerers Get All the
Girls, 189
Spellcasting 201: The Sorcerer’s Appliance,
Spellcastingseries interface, 189-191
Spiegelman, Art, 271
Splinter Cell, 527
split-screen gaming, 240-242, 248-249
sports games, 239, 393, 451, 470
Spyro the Dragon, 130, 452
S.S.I., 260
SSX, 462

stage directions, 313
stage plays, 217
standard documentation, 319,
standard format for design document, 356,
standard interfaces, 28-29, 134-135
Stanford, 93
Star Raiders, 261
Star Trek, 222
Star Wars, 174, 271
Star Wars Galaxies, 242
StarCraft, xx-xxi, 133 , 133-134, 155, 169,
369-370, 395, 450, 451, 454, 462
Campaign Editor, 395-396, 402-403, 403 ,
StarCross, 173, 187
state-based, 512
Stationfall, 180, 198
statistics, 363, 370-371, 507
Statue of Liberty, 526
Status Line, The, 194
Stealey, Bill, 36
stealth games, 517, 519
Steel Talons, 101-102, 112
Stewart, James, 329
Stigmata, 336
STOMP editor, 402
story, 25, 37, 41, 48, 112, 202-203, 221-225,
233-234, 236, 301-302, 310, 311-312,
326-327, 332, 349, 361, 383-384, 453,
458, 459, 507-508
adapting to audience, 205
and technology, 45-46
branching, 223-224
communicating to player, 45
discovering, 219-220, 434
dynamically changing, 205-206
exploring, 510
flow, 22
furthering through artificial intelligence,
gameplay considerations, 42-43, 45-46,
goals, 458
lack of, 61, 145
limitations on, 44-45
missing, 215
order of components, 224
player’s role in, 223-224, 434
starting with, 45-47, 48-49
story bible, 311-313

Index 695

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