Forest Products, Livelihoods and Conservation
206 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district Infrastructure and services are poor, ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 207 traditional artefacts like carved stools and masks still form a vital part of ...
208 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district per annum in 1993 (Shackleton 1996). D ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 209 Home carvers, Bushbuckridge Roadside carver vendors, neighbouring Nsikazi wo ...
210 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district Botanical name Common name Major uses ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 211 (Pterocarpus angolensis) Harvesting procedure P. angolensis is a protected sp ...
212 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district This system relies heavily on law enfo ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 213 The rate of harvesting of P. angolensis in 1994 was estimated as 5.6% of harv ...
214 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district PROCESSING INDUSTRY Production and inc ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 215 building, roofing and general repairs. In all cases, the producers themselves ...
216 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district The greatest costs for both groups are ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 217 with little outside support. The weakness lies in the many missed opportuniti ...
218 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district Figure 2 . Market chain for woodcraft ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 219 Photo 2. Local conservation authorities provide support to informal woodcraft ...
220 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district Vendors are generally female. They pur ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 221 Products Average price Average price Average prices Average prices (P. angole ...
222 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district as highlighted in a national craft ind ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 223 more likely to benefit from the Kruger Gate development, which is still in it ...
224 The Pterocarpus angolensis DC. based woodcraft industry in the Bushbuckridge district success story (Steenkamp 1999b). Other ...
Sheona E. Shackleton and Charlie M. Shackleton 225 controversial and ineffective. Any community-based management plan would need ...
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