Using Open Gestures ...................................................................................
Open gestures welcome people and invite them to come into your territory.
By showing that you are attentive, comfortable, and at ease with people you
make yourself appear warm and approachable. And warm and approachable
equals attractive.
If your tendency is to cross your arms over your chest or to shove your
hands into your pockets, resist the temptation and open your arms, showing
the palms of your hands instead. Barrier signals keep people away and make
you look cold, distant, and uninviting. Open gestures encourage others to
enter your environment and demonstrate that you accept and appreciate
who they are.
Showing Interest Through Your Posture ...................................................
Upright, erect posture is infinitely more appealing than a slumped, unrespon-
sive physique. That’s not to say that you have to be rigid and stiff. On the
contrary, you want your body to be flexible and alert to draw people to you
and make them comfortable in your presence.
When you’re seated in an informal situation lean backwards and adopt an
asymmetrical position. Have a go at resting one arm over the back of the
chair. Try other positions. Open, relaxed postures are more inviting and
attractive than having both arms squeezed tightly by your sides. They take
less effort, too.
If you want to show interest, lean slightly forward using a symmetrical pos-
ture. This balanced position shows that you’re focused on the other person
and paying attention to him. If you act as if you’re curious about that person
and care about him, he’s automatically going to be drawn to you.
Positioning Yourself .....................................................................................
Attractive people respect others. They take into account another person’s
point of view and show consideration for the other person’s feelings. They
seem to have an innate understanding of what makes someone feel good and
what causes offence. They know when to be close and personal, and when to
back off.
Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Reveal Your Attractiveness 273