Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



Microsoft Office Home page, 944–945
options, 944
HEX2BIN function, 922
HEX2DEC function, 922
HEX2OCT function, 922
Hidden and Empty Cell Settings dialog box, 461, 508
hidden data, Sparkline graphics, 508
comments, 97
rows and columns, 66–67
worksheets, 57–58
High Point option, Sparklines, 509
Highlight Changes dialog box, 633–634
Histogram tool, Analysis ToolPak add-in, 297–298, 787–788
histograms, 237–238, 475–476
HLOOKUP function, 311, 313–314, 327, 926
Christmas Day, 271
Columbus Day, 270
Easter, 270
Independence Day, 270
Labor Day, 270
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 269
Memorial Day, 270
New Year’s Day, 269
overview, 268–269
Presidents’ Day, 269
Thanksgiving Day, 271
Veterans Day, 270
holidays.xlsx sample file, 936
Home Tab option, 544
Home tab, Ribbon, 11–12, 116, 120
horizontal alignment options, 122–123
Horizontal Axis Crosses setting, 450–451
horizontal page-break line, 181
Horizontal scrollbar, 6–7
hot key, 19, 856
HOUR function, 272, 920
hourly readings.xlsx sample file, 940
hours, decimal, 277–278
HTML (HyperText Markup Language), 605–609
HTML Format paste option, Paste Special dialog box, 619
hundreds, displaying values in, 561
HYPERLINK function, 926
copying data from Excel to Word, 617
inserting, 610–611
pasting, 620–622
selecting, 611
HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 605–609

automatically, 719–722
manually, 717–722
Shape images, 522
Grouping dialog box, 717, 720
GroupName property, 869
customizing on Ribbon, 546–547
pivot table, defined, 704
GROWTH function, 371, 930

hands-on example.xlsx sample file, 938
hard drive, backing up, 157
hard-code values, 227, 746–747
HARMEAN function, 930
hash mark (#) character, 67, 218
hash mark filled cells, 651
HasLegend property, 898
Header Row, 110
Header Row check box, 107
Header/Footer tab, Page Setup dialog box, 185
headers and footers
element codes, 186–187
options, 187
overview, 185–186
predefined, 186
Height property, 864
Help button, 6–7
Help on This Function link, 206
Help option, 592
help resources
Help system, 943
Internet newsgroups
accessing by newsreaders, 945
accessing by Web browsers, 945–946
searching, 946–947
Internet Web sites
contextures, 948
daily dose of Excel, 948
David McRitchie’s Excel Pages, 948
Jon Peltier’s Excel page, 948
Mr. Excel, 948
Pearson Software Consulting, 948
Pointy Haired Dilbert, 948
spreadsheet page, 947
Microsoft technical support
Microsoft Excel home page, 944
Microsoft Knowledge Base, 944

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