Excel 2010 Bible

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1



procedure arguments
function with no argument, 829
function with one argument, 829–831
function with range argument, 832–833
function with two arguments, 831–832
overview, 828–829
ProcessCells2 procedure, 892
PRODUCT function, 928
production model.xlsx sample file, 941
Project Properties dialog box, 912
project tracking, 630
Project window, VB Editor, 804
prompt element
InputBox function, 838
MsgBox function, 839
Proofing tab, AutoCorrect feature, 40
proper case, macro, 838
PROPER function, 200, 239–240, 932
adjusting, UserForm controls, 862–864
VBA macros, 815–817
Properties dialog box, 178
Properties tab, Format dialog box, 189
Properties window, 845, 863
defined, 801
VBA, 814
Protect Current Sheet command, Info pane, 155
Protect Sheet dialog box, 19–20, 638
Protect Workbook button, 150, 154–155
Protect Workbook dialog box, 57, 644
Protect Workbook Structure command, Info pan, 155
Protected View mode, 5, 145
protection. See also passwords
digital signatures
getting digital ID, 647
overview, 646–647
signing workbooks, 647–648
Information Rights Management (IRM), 638
inspecting workbooks, 646
marking workbooks as final, 646
of projects using custom add-ins, 911–912
safeguarding work, 157
saving worksheet as PDF file, 645–646
types of, 637
VB Projects, 644–645
protecting structures, 643–644
protecting windows, 644
requiring passwords to open, 641–643

Print button, Page Layout mode, 28
Print Preview, 173
Print tab, Backstage view, 179
Print Titles setting, 188
cell comments, 96–97
charts, 416–417
copying settings to other sheets, 188
Custom Views of worksheet, 190–191
headers and footers
element codes, 186–187
options, 187
overview, 185
predefined, 186
one click, 171–172
page setup settings
adjusting page margins, 180–181
background images, 185
changing page orientation, 179
choosing printer, 178
overview, 177–178
page breaks, inserting, 181–182
page breaks, removing, 182
printing cell gridlines, 183–184
printing multiple copies, 180
printing row and column headers, 185
printing row and column titles, 182–183
scaling printed output, 183
specifying paper size, 179–180
specifying what to print, 178–179
page view
Normal view, 173–174
overview, 172–173
Page Break Preview mode, 175–176
Page Layout view, 174–175
pictures and drawings
changing layout, 528
changing style, 528–529
customizing SmartArt feature, 527–528
inserting SmartArt feature, 525–526
overview, 525–526
preventing certain cells from being printed, 188–189
preventing objects from being printed, 189
Shape images, 524
Private keyword, 834
PROB function, 931
defined, 801
VBA module, 799, 813

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