Nursing Law and Ethics
1.1.3 European Union/Community Law Throughout the post World War II period, the states of Western Europe have been engaged in a ...
for the measure. In practice great efforts are made to ensure a consensus of opinion. The Parliament does not initiate legislati ...
can be obliged to act in accordance with them <Marshallv.Southampton and SW Hants AHA<1986)). . This binding effect applie ...
security system deal with more cases. There are also separate tribunals for income tax and VAT. 1.2.1 Criminal justice system Al ...
appeal against an acquittal, although they may ask the Court of Appeal to consider the point of law involved in an acquittal on ...
fast track' for routine cases requiring limited court time or to amulti track' which allows for more complex cases to be handled ...
1.3 Legal method Judges have two roles. Firstly they are responsible for ensuring that the facts of the particular case are asce ...
go no further than strictly necessary. When inAiredale NHS Trustv.Bland<1993) the House of Lords was asked to rule on whether ...
The main danger in interpretation is that the greater the leeway the judges allow themselves, the more likely it is that they wi ...
predominantly female <Rv.Secretary of State for Employment e xparte EOC <1995)). The salary scale for a particular group m ...
services to patients or may feel that other professionals are not respecting the patient's autonomy, or allowing the nurse to ac ...
17.Rv.Arthur,The Times 5.11.81, was a case where nutrition was withheld from a severely disabled neonate, who died. There was so ...
Chapter 2 TheEthicalDimension:Nursing Practice,NursingPhilosophyand NursingEthics Alan Cribb What are the values that shape nurs ...
professional±client relationships ,working in teams and with colleagues ,and wider questions about institutional ,local or natio ...
well-being; someone's well-being may be increased by a tour of the Mediterranean, by acquiring a new friend ,or by learning Lati ...
appeal to promoting welfare' is not sufficient. A well intentioned intervention is not necessarily in the best interest of clien ...
overrides or limits the exercise of their autonomy is called paternalism 6or sometimes parentalism). As we have seen ,paternalis ...
the health or safety of others. If someone has a highly infectious and serious condition ,or is seriously mentally disturbed ,un ...
which our basic approach to ethical thinking shapes the day-to-day practical decisions we might make. 2.4 Principles of health c ...
and it is worth noting in passing that a good deal of apparent ethical disagreement stems from disagreements about the facts. Al ...
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