The Art of Magic by Moriel Yamanu

(tbbbooks) #1

Path yourself and find the right Door. In order to reach Knowledge, you have to open your Memory
from previous reincarnations, to unlock the accumulated experience. This is done by achieving
moments of Flawlessness in which you are perfectly merged with the Flame. Then locked portals
open and now you have access to what has been part of your experience.

In order to acquire Sacred Knowledge, get rid of faith. Faith is a particularly dangerous disease.
The knowledge that is based on faith is not real. Faith also presupposes hidden doubt and inner
expectation. With your faith you are always after the moment, you are always catching up. It is
not a matter of belief, what is Truth, what is Real. When you experience a mystical moment and
realize it, there is no more room for faith - you already know and this Knowledge is a part of you.


The True Power is the one who has no equal. Sacred Knowledge leads to the accumulation of
personal Power. In every Magic Act, the Power is summoned, but not everyone is able to
accumulate particles of himself to store as personal Power. You must first be able to summon the
Power. To achieve this, you must be able to stop talking to yourself, to turn off your mind. Then
you must be able to summon the Intention. To generate the impulse from which the Intention
begins. Once you have mastered the suspension of the mind and the generation of the impulse of
Intention, you should set strategic goals for the Magic Acts. The accumulation of Power comes
from what you perceive. From the very performance of the Magic Act. What do you perceive,
what do you realize. This is exactly what is generated and accumulated as personal Power. There
could be miracles and magical storms around you all the time, but you will not feel anything and
you will not understand anything.

In order to accumulate personal Power, the Magicians Energy must first be balanced. The Cycle of Energy must harmonize correctly. This is achieved by applying the Seven Principles. Any deformation of the Seven Principles directly affects the flow of Energy and there are deficits or surpluses. Then the Circle of Energy breaks down and loses shape. This interferes with the Magicians perseverance, and even if there are moments of manifestation of the Power, he will not
be in a position to capture the moment and realize it in order to accumulate a personal supply of
Power. The Energy is constantly flowing and it never stops circulating, although there are
modulations. Energy is like the water cycle in nature. The Power, on the other hand, is not constant

  • it must be summoned, generated. It's like a hurricane.


The Will is the Intention, which is synchronized with the Awareness of man. The Will is a kind of
"declaring our Intention." Intention needs direction. The Will needs also a specific purpose. The
Will is like a river that wants to reach the sea. When the generated and assimilated Power is not
enough, then the Will is also weak and chaotic. The Will is like a spear that constantly stands
against shields. These shields are the temptations in human life. They blunt the tip of the spear and
we have to sharpen it again and again, setting new goals. If the Power can be compared to the
spring, then the Will is the stream. If our spring has dried up, no stream will flow. The Magician
constantly watches and observes himself and others and seeks a battle in which to use the spear of
the Will. These may be his bad qualities, weaknesses, things that tempt him. Just as the spear can

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