(Wang) #1

    1. oh E'v Bluuudig.
      In vi. 7. 8 4 Massalia is described by Arisiotle, speaking
      probably of a later period, as having enlarged the narrow Oligarch!
      ti!. the admission of new citizens. The oligarchy thus became
      more like a aohrrlo (TOXLT~K&~U iyivcro 4 dkryapxia).

    1. The difference was settled, not by throwing open the govern-
      ment to a lower class, but by the admission in greater numbers of
      members of the same famiiies.

  1. j. TSV iv T$ so)lrrf;p.
    Here the members of the governing body, see note on c. 1. IO.
    E'v 10;s T~L~KOUT~ 'hejvqurv oi lisp1 XaprKhla hxvoav TO~S T~L~KO~~

From Xenophon's Hellenics ii. 3 we might be led to infer that
C,ritias was the leading spirit of the thirty, but in Lj-sias coni;a
Eratosthenem 4 j6,p. 125, we find that the name of Charicles precedes
that of Critias among the leaders of the more extreme party.
Charicles and Critias are also named together among the vopot%ror
whom the thirty appointed in Xen. AIem. i. 2. 9 31.
It is singular that the leadership of a party in the 400 shoulcl
bc ascribed to Phrynichus who was late in joining the attemi)t
(Thuc. viii. G8) and \vas soon assassinated (c, 92). He was hot?-
ever a man of great ability and is said by Thucydides to hare shorn
extraordinary energy \Then he once took part.

    1. Gqpnywyoikrts, wa'r iv Tois T~T~~KOU;OLS oi srpi @p6vixov.

6.6. KCA r'r o"oats dXryapXlarr OCX oh aipoivrar T&S dpx& E't &u oi ;fp~~nis

The people will always be able to elect those members of the
oligarchy \rho favour their interests. The representative depends
upon his constituents, and must do their bidding. The remark of
Aristotle is true, and admits of several applications. Yet the
opposite reflection is almost equally true, that the popular rW-
sentative easily catches the ' esprit de corps' of the society in which
he mingles, and of the order or assembly to vhich he is admitted,


    1. &fp r'v 'AP68y (Tvv;fkltvfv.
      We cannot be certain whether these words illustrate oi 6diraL 4
      6 6ijp~~ or 6 6ijpor only. That the membership of a club should

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