(Wang) #1

A’OTES, BOOK I,. 12. 229

xakrx;v &pi pdxcu0ar. 11. 31.
Quoted in Nic. Eth. ii. 3. 4 IO, Frr XaXmt;rcpov $Sovj pi~ru6m 4

For the arts of the tyrant cp. XIachiavelli’s ‘ Prince ’ quoted

e,$, Kadk7TEp #qUiV ‘HpkKhflTOS.

above, especially chaps. 14, 15. 16, 17, 19, 21, 23.
pdh,uTa piv ++~;POus ~aoXapp~vrlv sci ui,~f,,enr aL; T;v +x+. 11.32.
The consciousness that no other government could hold thc
1&nce between irreconcileable parties seems to have becn the
main support of recent French Imperialism.
irr 6’

Cp. XIachiavelli, Prince, c. 15. p. 453, in a still more subtle stylc
of reflection : ‘ It would doubtless be happy for a prince to unite in
liimseif every species of good quality, but as our nature does not
ailow of so great a perfection a prince should have prudencc
enough to avoid those defects and vices which may occasion his
win.’ And again : ‘ He should not shrink from encountering some
lilame on account of vices which are important to the support of
his states; for there are some things having the appearance of
virtues which would prove the ruin of a prince, should he put
them in practice, and others upon which, though seemingly bad and
vicious, his actual welfare and security entirely depend.’

GtaK&Bar Kad 76 400s fro1 KOX~~E rpAs +r+ ipixpqurov 11. 34.
;‘”To, Ka; PI) IrOV?lPdV dkh’ {pL7TdVqpOW.

Hdt. vi. 126 gives the Sicyonian tyrants as I) Andreas, 2) Myron, 12. I.
3) Xristonymus, 4) Cleisthenes. According to Pausanias x. 7. $ 3.
P. 814 Cleisthenes is said to have won a victory in the Pythian
games B.C. 582. Grote (vol. iii. c. 9. p. 43) says ‘there is some
confusion about the names of Orthagoras and Andreas. It has
been supposed with some probability that the same person is
designated under both names : for the two names do not seem to
Occur in the same author.’ Orthagoras, ‘speaker for the right,’
ma?‘ have been a surname or second name of Andreas. Infra
4 I*, Aristotle supposes the tyranny to have passed directly from
hI!ron to Cleisthenes.

nfLfl;aparov hoprival TOT€ rpomXqtXvra 61~7~ @LIS “Apfrov S~YOV. 12. 2.
According to Piutarch in the life of Solon c. 31 he is said to
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