(Wang) #1
xE;pov ?rXjaos xopi~flv. 4. 15,
$.it each stage me shall esclucte a populntion worse in kind
than at the preceding stage.’ Thus the first and best kind of
,lcmocracy excludes the class of srXuiTaL (and nforlzin’ of course
,I;i beloiv them). The second excludes the e+fs, and so on till nt
].:st nobody remains to be excluded. For the analogous process
j11 oligarchy, cp. infra c. 6. $$ 2, 3.

d 62 @f;p€lV UU/J/%bEl Kd TLllhlU Kd T&S dhh ?TOhlTfillS, frppL ?rpd- 4. 15.
rrpou r& nhsima uXcGdv.
Either the stress is to be laid upon KIS TahTpV, to nhich the words
KOIi rhs ;;Xhas are subordinated, for other states have not been
spoken of, ‘Most of the causes which are wont to destroy this like
other states, have been already mentioned.’ Or, if the emphasis
on *ai rds Shhas aohirrias is retained, the reference is to the causes
of the destruction of states in bk. v.
The connexion is, ‘But I need not sped of he
causes which destroy states; for they have been already spoken of.’
For the absolute use of p;hhou cp. Plat. I’haedo 63 D, +qui y+
@c,+niucoOar pixxov roiis GrahfyopLCuous.

d 62 , ,. ci’pq~ac.

Gnnu ybp oirsiou TOGTO T+ mio+ 6$uy ~~AXOV.
The last word qualifies UiKfiw: ‘For all this admission of citizens

  1. IG.

1s rather natural than alien to a democracy of this kind.’

~HZP uuvi$q T~S rrdurws alriov yrv&dar mpi Kupj~qv. 4. If.
Gscp=the violence of the democracy which was established after
the overthrow of the royal pover (Herod. iv. IGI), about 460
or $50 R.C., and was extended at a somewhat later period in the
!.!story of Cyrene.

E;XfLU6CY~S. 4. 18.
cp. Hdt. v. 69, &s y&p 84 r;v ’A8qvahv 8ipou n-pdrrpov ~nwu~~vov
Thf advra (al. lect. ,&Top) rpbs ~‘ouro~ poipav xpanrs+a+o, T~C
$uAhS ycrouudpaus Kai &~ol‘qrrf TAfLvas ;hauudvov. 6c‘Ka TS 87) $Uk&p-

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