(Wang) #1

and oligarchy are fully discussed, nothing is said of other form.
of government, notwithstanding the intention espressed at tile
beginning of the book. c. 1. $ 2, of considering 'the modes oi
organisation proper to each form of government.'

    1. pfd 62 ral;qu i,yop&q p;w iiuayKaior&p 62 ux~6Av KR~ xaXmorti;q 7;"
      dpX&U ;UT;U lj Tfp; Tbs Hpde€ls T&U KQrCl8lKaU6;UTOV Kfl; T&W HpOTl&)liVwV
      KaTh ThS gWpCl+ds.
      xp(i[rrs is here used generally to include execution of sentencca
      passed on criminals, and esaction of debts from public debtorb.
      row np+l6fp&oW appears to mean those whose names: hnvin;
      been first entered on the register as defaulters or criminals (K~IW
      T&F ;yYp+is), are publicly posted up. Cp. infra $ IO: ncpi ri;s
      npo8;irris T&U dvnycypnpp'vwv : and Plato Laws 784 D \There the io-
      corrigible are to be written up (duayc?~papp;uor) and deprived oi

  1. IO. Zrc 6' &la npirrro8ar Kai rbr &ybs T~S TE Was Kai rhs GU V&
    @XhOI' ThS Vias, Ka; T&S r&W hU€UTjTUv {ripas KUTn8lKngiiir?s ;r;paW ?:I'll1
    r$u rrpanopiuqu, o&w daruvo'pous Ths mph r~v dyopaudprnu, T~S 6; v~C
    rv;rou ir;pous.
    ' RIoreover, in some cases, the magistrates too should esecule
    the sentence; and there should be fresh magistrates to execute
    the sentences on fresh offences; but in the case of old or existin:
    offences (r5u Lvcur&ou opposed to rrjw &OW) one magistrate should
    condemn, another should exact the penalty ; for example, the
    wardens of the city should exact the fines imposed by the nardens
    of the agora.'
    With rhs T&V uiou and T~C rim ~YC0Ti)TOU supply &as.

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