Yet this is only true of the goods of the soul in their most
general sense; a man cannot have too much justice, or a.isclom,
or intelligence, but he may have too much memory or too mu(),
imagination, and perhaps even too much courage or liberalit,.,
He cannot have too much of the highest, but he may haye loo
much of the lower intellectual and moral qualities. Cp. Ethic>
ii. 6. 17 where Aristotle, after defining virtue as a pcndrqp; is
careful to explain that it is also an d~pdrpi.
- O*hus rr S,Xov i)s dKoXou8riv r$ljnopru TT)V GrdBrucv r+v dpiurqv f'
iipdypnros nph WXqXu Karh T+ Cnrpoxhv, jvmp c?A+ Bidmaoiy
Gv r$op& abrbs c&ac GtaBiurcs rahac.
one thing is superior to another, the best state of that thing ij
superior to the best state of the other.' But an awkwardness is
caused by the insertion of Bcdurantv, after the relative $vmp in
apposition \vith &rcpoX<v. 'According to the excess or interval
which exists between the different states of things.' The subject
of cfiqqjr is the antecedent of bv, i. e. iipdypnra, supplied from
- O*hus rr S,Xov i)s dKoXou8riv r$ljnopru TT)V GrdBrucv r+v dpiurqv f'
Beklrer, following the old translation ' sortita est,' reads rEhyc
The change makes no red
The general meaning of this passage is simple enough.
~K~UTOU xptiypanx.
for &q$r in his second edition.
difference in the sense.
- in 6; rijs +uxijs brwru rnlrn ii;+UKfV aipcric Kai Be; ndvras aiptiaani
Cp. Xatth. svi. 26, Ti yhp ;@cXqB{usrar iidpw?ios r'hv rtv &PV
robs r4 r$povo3vras, dhX' OAK bcivov &Kev nju $tux+.
CXOU XCPB+S$ T+ 62 +&v nbro; [qpd9j ;
- pdprvpc^74 Of4 Xpopivors.
Cp. Kic. Eth. vii. 14. $ 8, ALA 6 &As dri piav Kai c'lnXjv xaiP
i~ourju. oh yhp pdvou Kcvjurhs EI~T~V ivlpysra ri~h <ai dKrvquias Kai $04
pl;Xhou r'v 4pfp;q r'urb $ iv Kcv{ufL: also Ib. 2;. 8. 7, &urc 4 70; eto;
ivLpyoia, paKaptdrqn Btar$ipovua, Bcopqrr~$ iv +: and Metaph. 5'.
c. 7, 1072 b. 26, rj ybp voi ;vipyc~a [o<, C'KC~VOS 62 (SC. 6 866s) 6 ;ViP
yrra' ivipyria 6; < KaB' adrjv iKsivov S;$ cipiuq Kai dtGtoe.
- pdprvpc^74 Of4 Xpopivors.
- I 1, ixxjpwov 6' ;mi Kai rtv u;riv x+OV a+woV Kai n~cv cGSar'pova 4~
6plu.n)~ fbac Ka'c spcirrouuav KaAh.