(Wang) #1


p16fvLs ~pdi(obvror TSY 2~~6s. Aristotle appears to start with a con.
sideration of the perfect state ; but in attempting to describe the
conditions of it he seems to forget his higher purpose. Unless it
may be supposed that the Politics is an unfinished work.

      1. oirtiav iXqv.
        =T& b&Jhrs, the conditions mentioned in Q I

    1. iurr ydp TL Kal ndXros Fpyov, 3urr riv Suvapiqv roCro p&ur' dxonh6;v,
      rairvv ol~riov cluar ptyiunp, OTOV '~~?ro~p~irrjv OLK dv@pwnov ~XX' inrpbv
      tIuar pi(w $$utrtv a'v 76s roij Gra$ipomos war& rb p'iyr8or 70; ohparor.
      ' That city is the greatest, not which is numerically largest, but
      which is best adapted to its end; just as Hippocrates is greater, not
      as a man but as a physician, than somebody else who is taller.'
      The great city must have the qualities suited to a city, just as
      the great Hippocrates must have the qualities, not of a tall man,
      but of a physician. It is the accident of a city that it is populous,
      just as it is the accident of Hippocrates that he is tall.


  1. 8, 9. 6 82 Xlav CIirpPdhhov dpr@pbs 06 GCvarar pCr+rv rd&os* Briar yhp &j
    TO~O 6vvdpcos Zpyov, +is rai rdBs uvvC,ysr rb niv. kri id y~ K&V iv
    sXj& Ka'r ptyitkr tlo8t yivtudar. 6~b Ka'l ad~L~ $S pfd pfyiaovs 6 htx6&

The divine power which holds
together the universe can alone give order to infinity, For beauty
consists in number and magnitude; wherefore that city in which
magnitude is combined with the principle of order is to be deemed
the fairest,'
In this and similar passages we may note mingling with
Pythagorean fancies, a true sense that proportion is the first principle
of beauty. Cp. hIetaph. xii. 8.8 26, 1074 b. I, napaMiorar 6; rap& r&~

i7pos hdpxcr, rahy clvar xahXiur?v dvayraiov.
The connexion is as follows :

dpxdwv Ka'r aapna'haiwv r'v pi8ov uxiparr KaraXtXrrppiva Tois Zurtpov $11
6toi 7; fium ov'ror mi rrfpdxrr 76 8riov riv a"Xvu $&~tv* rh 6; Xo~nh pU8lKic
$87 IrpOU$KTaL TpbS T?)V Bf& 7i)Y lrOXX&V Ka'l np6S 7iY C?S 706s UdpOvs Kai
rb my+'pou xp~urv.
TO~O refers to rd&wo, but is neuter because it is attracted bY

6 Xq8sio Gpor, ' the above-mentioned principle,' sc. rka&

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