How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment
affirmative action because doing so seems ill-advised, like favoring proposals that emanate from one’s own field. One respondent ...
medieval Islam from the urban environment. By looking at this particular spatial location...intermsofthemixture of different inf ...
knowledge, and market pressures.^48 Because so many social scientists and humanists are liberal or progressive, they are also co ...
panelist notes how American students from better universities are privileged: They’ve got all the best professors anyway. For ex ...
these two principles exist in tension helps us understand why so often excellence and diversity do not function as alternative c ...
7/Implications in the United States and Abroad I n American higher education, excellence, merit, and quality are often captured ...
get the job done in the time allotted. They go home usually feeling that they have risen to the occasion, betraying neither “the ...
paring for deliberations and their dedication to convincing their peers of the merit of their point of view—go a long way toward ...
funded. In evaluating excellence, formal and informal criteria of evaluation are weighed differently by humanists, social scient ...
what viewpoints and intellectual habitus those individuals bring to the table. Biases are unavoidable. In particular, program of ...
along with calls for other forms of rationalization, measurement, rankings, accreditations, standardization, and so on.^6 These ...
deep understanding of recent developments within substantive sub- fields. Cynicism toward meritocracy is often taken for granted ...
how scholar-evaluators serving on peer review panels come to agree- ments through interactions.^11 My study examined not only ho ...
intrinsic to the evaluation process should not be construed as cor- rupting that process.^14 Trying to remove subjectivity entir ...
Jürgen Habermas describes as ideal speech conditions.^15 The fact that these evaluators are not part of a closely connected comm ...
different kinds of organizations. Screening and ranking play a role in selecting members of elite professional organizations and ...
Appendix: Methods and Data Analysis The organizations that participated in this research are the American Council for Learned So ...
members to secure their individual consent, provide them with back- ground information on the project, and invite them to discus ...
in an Ivy League university. This figure is particularly high in part because the Society of Fellows is located in such a univer ...
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