How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment
The culture section of the American Sociological Association has the second largest membership of all sections, and the largest ...
On this movement, see Stewart (2003). Shapiro, Smith, and Masoud (2004). On consensus as an indicator of evaluation and status, ...
lematize subjective orientation to action—see Goffman (1974); Polletta and Ho (2005). For a similar approach and critique of Bou ...
On customary rules, see Burbank (2004). On how academics learn to do their job, see Walker et al. (2008). On the accomplishment ...
diction. On the negotiation of authority between science and politics, see Jasanoff (1990). The term “universalism” is used dif ...
ment for the Humanities and other funding agencies, this comment is one of the very few examples across all of my interviews tha ...
Engel (1999). For a preliminary analysis of the differences between disciplinary and multidisciplinary panels, see Lamont and H ...
Merton (1973, 293). Latour (1987). Guetzkow, Lamont, and Mallard (2004). Mallard, Lamont, and Guetzkow (2007). Levinson (2002). ...
Geertz (1973). Lamont and Lareau (1988). This pattern is hardly surprising. Stephen Jay Gould pointed out that “humanists right ...
6 Considering Interdisciplinarity and Diversity The SSRC competition aims to promote “work that is relevant to a par- ticular d ...
Veronica Mansilla and Howard Gardner point out other difficulties in assessing interdisciplinary work: variety of criteria, lac ... This argument has been made repeat- edly, including by former Harvard President Neil Rud ...
Trix and Psenka (2003). For more on the Matthew effect, see Merton (1968; 1988). Walzer (1983). For a sociology-based elaborati ...
Olivier Godechot and Alexandra Louvet, “Le localisme dans le monde académique: Une autre approche.” April 22, 2008. http://www. ...
See Lamont and Zuckerman (in preparation). See, for instance, Gaztambide-Fernandez (2009). Appendix Klein (1996). Bender (199 ...
References Abbott, Andrew D. 1988.The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor.Chicago: University of Chi ...
Pp. 192–225 inTools to Aid Environmental Decision Making,ed. Virginia H. Dale and Mary R. English. New York: Springer-Verlag. As ...
Bender, Thomas. 1998. “Politics, Intellect, and the American University, 1945–1995.” Pp. 17–54 inAmerican Academic Culture in Tr ...
tique comme modalités du traitement social de l’incertitude.” Anthropologie et pragmatique.Papier preparé pour la journeée d’étu ...
Education: Handbook of Theory and Research,ed. John C. Smart. New York: Agathon. Brenneis, Donald. 1994. “Discourse and Discipli ...
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