How Professors Think: Inside the Curious World of Academic Judgment
saying, but what they’re not saying. In philosophy that is consid- ered completely useless, whatever. In art history, some want ...
approaches and strategies, and the roles of empirical data and the- ory.^7 Moreover, they include beliefs about whether academic ...
more humanistic than the social sciences as a whole (this is espe- cially true of the SSRC and the WWNFF competitions), the anth ...
cannot count on others sharing their theoretical or methodological preferences. In order to be “able to convey” to colleagues “w ...
The utilitarian style resembles the positivist style, but it values only the production of instrumental knowledge. This is the l ...
“theory wars” have been fought, are more likely to take a relativistic stance toward evaluation, as well as to have a weaker con ...
200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1975 1985 1995 2005 0 History Political science Economics Philosophy Anthropology English Figu ...
comprehension finds most social scientists on one side and most hu- manists on the other. Interpretative and Empirical Disciplin ...
shown to be wrong. In other words, to have discomfirmable knowledge. For this panelist, the ability to replicate results is cruc ...
a proposal that looks like it just wants to tell an interesting story ... Anthropologists and historians are much more inductive ...
increasingly, historians follow William Sewell Jr. in arguing that his- tory offers theory (about social change, for instance) t ...
writer’s discipline.^20 Later, I suggest that views of philosophy as a “problem case” can be traced to aspects of the evaluative ...
English or in comparative literature...thediscussion is of a very different sort. I think it is, generally speaking, less ruthle ...
sterile then, and I think it’s become even more awful since...It’s really still a playing out of the linguistic turn that took h ...
he didn’t like and that other people did like...Ireallydidn’t ap- preciate a number of the proposals that the philosopher really ...
plinary panels use to assess originality focus on the study of new ob- jects. This handicaps philosophy applicants: We’re grappl ...
The “Legitimation Crisis” of English Literature Over the past thirty years, English has distinguished itself from the other disc ...
Likewise, she asserts that she does not believe that the cream natu- rally rises to the top, “because it probably isn’t natural. ...
kind of principle of selection, has been willing to challenge their premises, has been willing to consider data even after you’r ...
kits. Third, social and literary theory has profoundly transformed their understanding of representations, as manifested in vari ...
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