
(Darren Dugan) #1


(sankhára), thus is the arising of mental states, thus is the perishing
of mental states. Thus is consciousness (viññáóa), thus is the arising
of consciousness, thus is the perishing of consciousness.
“Thus a disciple lives contemplating the dhammas with
respect to the Five Aggregates of Grasping.
[The six internal and the six external sense-bases 
“A disciple knows well the eye and material forms and the fetter
that arises dependent on both. He knows well how the arising of the
non-arisen fetter comes to be, how the abandoning of the arisen fet-
ter comes to be, how the non-arising in the future of the abandoned
fetter comes to be. Similarly he knows well the ear and sounds, the
nose and the odours, the tongue and the tastes, the body and the
contacts, the mind and the mental objects and the fetters that arise
dependent on both (respectively). He knows well how the arising of
the non-arisen fetters comes to be, how the abandoning of the arisen
fetters comes to be, how the nonarising in the future of the aban-
doned fetters comes to be. Thus a disciple lives contemplating the
dhammas with respect to the six internal and external sense-bases.

[The Factors of Enlightenment (bojjhanga)]
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘Mindfulness’ (sati) is present he
knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor of mindfulness’, or
when it is not present -he knows well that it is absent; he knows
well how the arising of the non arisen enlightenment factor of
mindfulness comes to be and how the fulfilment by meditation of
the arisen enlightenment factor of mindfulness comes to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘investigation of reality’
(dhammavicaya) is present he knows well , ‘I have the enlight-
enment factor of investigation of reality;’ when it is not present
he knows well that it is absent; he knows well how the arising
of the Enlightenment factor of investigation of reality comes to
be and how the fulfilment by meditation of the arisen enlight-
enment factor of investigation of reality comes to be.
“When the enlightenment factor of ‘energy’ (viriya) is
present he knows well, ‘I have the enlightenment factor of
energy,’ or when it is not present, he knows well that it is
absent; he knows well how the arising of the non-arisen
enlightenment factor of energy comes to be and how the fulfil-
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