
(Darren Dugan) #1




108 kinds of craving, 242


Abáhiraí (exoteric), 132n., 165
Abhidhamma, 30n.
Piþaka, 150– 152
preached in Távatiísa heaven, 113
Abhiññá (supernormal powers), 312
Abhisamayálaòkára-áloka, 333
Abhúta (not-become), 287
Accomplished One, see Tathágata
Accomplishment, four means of, 135,
see also Idhipáda, Viriyiddhipáda
Adepts, see Asekha
Adhimutti-kálakiriyá (voluntary
death), 357
Adhiþþhána (determination), 337, 353
perfection or páramì, 353
Adosa (non-ill will, goodwill), 197
Aggregates, 17n., 198, 238, 240, 267ff.,
296, 319
arising of, 225
five, 50n.
Ajapála banyan tree, 27, 33
Ajará (decayelss), 290
Ajáta (unborn), 287, 287n., 290
Akata (unmade), 287, 287n.
Ákiñcaññáyatana (realm of nothing-
ness), 8, 38n., 145, 212, 254ff., 256ff.,
287, 293, 303
“All have I ”, 38
Amara (deathless), 290
Amata (immortal), 287
Ambalaþþhiká, 129
Ambulatory, 30, 57
Amoha (non-delusion, knowledge),

Anágámi (non-returner), 47, 52n., 83,
142n., 160, 178, 254, 254n., 314, 315,
Analytical knowledge (paþisamb-
hidá), 85
Anaóa-sukha (happiness of being
debt-free), 384
Ánanda Bodhi Tree, 79, 94
Anantaraí (esoteric), 132n., 165
Ánápánasati (mindfulness of breath-
ing), 75, 303, 310, 311, 411, 415
Anattá, 55, 153, 318, 349
see also No-Soul
Anavajja-sukha (bliss of blameless-
ness), 92, 384, 398
Anekajáti (throughout many births),
Anicca, 317, 349
see also Impermanence
Animisalocana cetiya, 29n.
Anottappa (moral fearlessness), 32
Antá (extremes), 44, 49
Antarabhava (rebirth in an interme-
diate state), 260
Anupádisesa Nibbána, 288– 289
Anussati, 211, 302, 308– 310
Aobha (non-greed, generosity), 197
Apáya (state of misery), 248, 250–251,
Ápo (element of cohesion), 240, 265,
295, 303ff., 387
Appamádena sampádetha (“strive on
with dilligence”), 135n.
Appamaññá (illimitables), 359
Arahat, 44, 60, 75, 238, 288, 289, 312,
320– 330
attains nirodha samápatti, 254
called asekhas, 320
causality shattered in, 238
ideal, 331
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