
(Darren Dugan) #1


of kamma, 197–??
of suffering, 47, 163
beings, see Deva
nymphs, 77
planes, see Chapt. 27
states, 57
vehicle, 404
Cetaná (volition), 160, 195, 198, 238,
kusala & akusala, 193
Cetasikas (mental states), 50n.
Cetiya, 29n., 37n., 79, 80, 134, 135
Ceylon, see Sri Lanka
Chanda (desire), 356
Character, 88, 168, 214, 234, 281
meditation objects suitable for,
Characteristics, three, 318ff.
see also Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta
Christianity, 167, 392, 395
Citations, four great, 136
Citta, 134n., 258n., 388
niyáma (psychic phenomena), 191
visuddhi, 307
Cittánupassaná (mindfulness of
thoughts), 182, 412, 420
Colours, six, 30
“Come, O bhikkhus”, 58, 65
Compassion, 126, 181, 303, 337ff.
of a bodhisatta, 336
see also Karuóá
Conceit, 32
see also Mána
suppression of, 31
Conditioned things, 284ff., 287n.,
Conditioning activities, see Saòkhárá
Conduct, modes of, 356– 357
Conqueror, 39, 109
of passions, 330n.
Consciousness, 200ff., 200n., 238ff.
moral and immoral, 195, 411ff.
mundane, 195

pertaining to realms of form and
formlessness, 195
realm of infinity of, 145
relinking, 27, 239, 245, 390
resultant, 195, 196, 239, 260
surpramundane (lokkuttara-citta),
160, 183
see also Citta, Viññáóa
Contact (phassa), 27, 241, 245, 247
Contemplation (Ánupassaná), 411ff.
Converts, first two, 36
Corpses, reflection on, 419
Corruption, 20
see also Ásava
Craving, 163, 177ff., 197, 230
attenuation or eradication of, 177,
three kinds of, 47, 242
see also Taóhá
Creation theory, 196, 227
Creator, 185, 218, 221, 227–229, 262
of the unarisen way, 22
Crimes, heinous, 207
Cutúpapátañáóa (knowledge of the
dying and rebirth of beings)
see also Abhiññá, 313
Dána (generosity), 57, 211, 337
perfection or páramì, 338– 344
Dáyaka (alms-giver), 90
Death, 177ff.
and birth, 237ff.
Buddha announces his, 134ff.
maccu (a name of Mára), 17
modes of birth and, 248– 249
old age, sickness and, 243ff.
rebirth and, 257
timely or untimely, 235, 248– 249
voluntary, see (Adhimutti-kálakiri-
see also Maraóa
Deathlessness, 22
Decads, three, 240
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