Of course, you want to know why our students need access to the Internet. The reason isthateveryone says that it’s important. ...
Common Prepositions aboard about above across after against along amid among around as at before behind below beneath beside bes ...
Some might be tempted to argue that the wordinin these sentences isn’t a preposition but rather is an adverb, but that analysis ...
It is important to note that the use oflikeas a subordinating conjunction has become so ubiquitous that it appears in the speech ...
80a. Fritz looked the number up. 81a. Macarena put her shoes on. English allows particles to move behind the object noun phrase. ...
Sentences like this appeared with some regularity in style guides and writing manuals a couple of decades ago that were produced ...
Note that verb phrases can be either progressive participles(-ing)or past participles(-ed). Phrasal modifiers are used primarily ...
One reason was that a few studies indicated that the gains in student writing produced by sentence combining disappeared over ti ...
97 4 Phrase Structure Grammar From the Universal to the Particular Until the 19thcentury, Latin grammar was deemed universally a ...
have more than three. Other inconsistencies simply were ignored as being irrel- evant to the larger goal of preparing students f ...
Now known asstructuralists,these scholars, led by Boas and later by Leon- ard Bloomfield, worked for several years to develop a ...
antithesis of their predecessors, for whereas rationalism proposes that all knowledge comes from reflection rather than from the ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 101 long-standing association between grammar and logic, as well as the pejorative connotations of the ...
tions it tries to answer and through the shorthand notation it uses for sentence analysis. We can begin examining both issues by ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 103 Notice how each line of this analysis represents a specific assignment of fea- tures designed to re ...
ments: It places them in parentheses. With these factors in mind, we can adjust the earlier rules so that they describe both sen ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 105 artÆan adjÆexpensive The rule for AdjP introduces another convention—brackets. Brackets indi- cate ...
AdjPÆ adj NP ì í î ü ý þ PPÆprep NP VÆ V Vprt+ ì í î ü ý þ NÆgoons, bow ties, number, Pizza Hut, Buggsy, gun, table VÆlooked + p ...
PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR 107 Tree Diagrams Grammar is about sentences—the form of the words and their functions in sen- tences. ...
whereas in sentence 7, the subjectRunningis a gerund (a verb functioning as a noun) functioning as a subject—but the diagrams ar ...
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