(Martin Jones) #1

Creative Controversy
There are very few direct challenges in all of the analyzed episodes in all the 14
groups. In fact, the challenge symbol does not appear in any prototypical episode
flowchart. That is, direct challenges are rare in these 14 groups. Part of the reason for
this lies in the definition of Alternate Claim: A challenge is implicit within the Alternate
Claim. What is the challenging aspect of the Alternate Claim in the argument co-
construction process?
My hypothesis is that the Alternate Claim is a form of controversy or “creative
conflict.” The Alternate Claim affords a means of challenging an idea (claim) without
directly challenging the individual stating the idea and hence it is an example of creative
controversy (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec, 1988; Johnson and Johnson, 1992). I found
no example in which one student directly and overtly challenged or criticized another
student for his or her opinion. There were disagreements over ideas, as is seen in the
numerous examples of Alternate Claims, but the disagreements were handled with
sensitivity to the other students and without direct personal confrontation.
The Johnson model of cooperation in groups proposes four decision-making
processes (Johnson and Johnson, 1987; pp. 224-226):
“theories, and opinions are incompatible wControversy exists when one student’s ideas, information, conclusions, ith those of another, and the two seek
to reach an agreement.”
“...debate exists when group members argue for positions that are incompatible
with one another and a winner is declared on the basis of who presented the best
“Concurrence-seeking occurs when members of a decision-making group inhibit
discussion to avoid any disagreements or arguments and emphasize agreement;
there is a suppression of different conclusions, an emphasis on quick
compromise, and a lack of disagreement with in a decision-making group”

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