Tensors for Physics

(Marcin) #1

Index 437

Magnetic vector potential, 102
Magnetization, 99
Maier-Saupe distribution function, 340
Maier-Saupe mean field theory, 283
Maier-Saupe order parameter, 279
Main director, 362
Mapping, 73
Material coefficients, 299
Maxwell coefficient, 322
Maxwell distribution, 213
Maxwell effect, 322
Maxwell model, 326
Maxwell relaxation time, 228 , 326
Maxwell stress tensor, 387
Maxwell’s thermal pressure, 221
Mean free path, 356
Miesowicz viscosities, 316
Miesowicz viscosity coefficients, 333
Model parameters, 349
Molecular polarizability tensor, 63
Moment equation, 217 , 341
Moment of inertia, 52
Moment of inertia tensor, 52 , 60 , 134
Moments of the distribution function, 203
Momentum balance, 151
Momentum conservation equation, 97
Momentum flux density, 151
Monopole function, 166
Multipole moment tensors, 171
Multipole–multipole interaction, 176
Multipole potential, 163 , 165
Multipole potential tensors, 164

Nabla operator, 79 , 105
Navier-Stokes equations, 98
Nematic, 274
Nematic liquid crystal, 273 , 332
Nematic phase transition, 279
Newton, 80
Newtonian viscosity, 331
Non-diagonal tensor operators, 255
Non-equilibrium alignment, 303
Non-Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics
(NEMD), 229 , 322 , 335
Non-Newtonian viscosity, 329
Non-Newtonian viscosity coefficient, 346
Non-orthogonal basis, 15
Non-spherical particles, 327
Nonlinear dynamics, 364
Nonlinear Maxwell model, 365
Nonlinear viscosity, 328

Normal pressure differences, 316 , 329
Normal pressure gradient, 317

Octahedron, 172
Octupole moment, 170 , 171
Octupole potential, 164
Oersted law, 101
Ohm’s law, 267
Onsager relation, 333
Onsager symmetry relation, 303 , 323
Onsager-Casimir symmetry relation, 303
Onsager-Parodi relation, 334
Orbital angular momentum, 43 , 97
Orbital angular momentum operator, 190
Order parameter tensor, 203 , 277
Orientational average, 200
Orientational distribution function, 202
Orientational entropy, 209
Orientational fluctuations, 354
Ortho-normalization relation, 358
Orthogonal basis, 14
Orthogonal matrix, 20
Orthogonal transformation, 19
Orthogonality relation, 19
Out of plane solutions, 364

Pair-correlation function, 222
Paramagnetic gases, 318
Parameter representation, 112
Parameter representation of surfaces, 117
Parity, 25 , 300
Parity operation, 25
Path integral, 112
Pauli matrices, 239
Peculiar velocity, 218
Period doubling, 364
Permanent dipoles, 174
Phase transition, 343
Planar biaxial, 69
Planar geometry, 78 , 82
Planar squeeze-stretch field, 86
Plane, 118 , 121
Plane Couette symmetry, 329
Poiseuille flow, 316
Poisson equation, 91 , 165
Polar coordinates, 14
Polarizability, 173
Polarized scattering, 353
Pole–dipole interaction energies, 176
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