Blinded By the Light - The Occult of Roman Catholicism

(Sean Pound) #1
Chapter 14 Very Superstitious

  1. Alexander Hislop, ìThe Two Babylonsî, p. 99

  2. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Wicca and Witchcraftî, p. 252

  3. David Calderwood, ìReasons against Festival daysî

  4. Patricia Telesco, ìSeasons of the Sunî, p. 237

Chapter 15 ìClausî-it Christians

  1. Gail Riplinger, ìNew Age Bible Versionsî, p. 52 AV Publications Corp. VA 1993

  2. H.P. Blavatsky, ìThe Secret Doctrineî, Vol. II, p. 350 as cited by Gail Riplinger, New Age Bible Versions, p. 52

  3. Gail Riplinger, ìNew Age Bible Versionsî, p. 53

  4. Raven Grimassi, ìEncyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychologyî, p.650

  5. Walter W. Sleay, ìConcise Dictionary of English Etymologyî, p. 304

  6. Oxford English Dictionary Vol. III D-E

  7. ìBrewer's Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Phrase and Fableî, p. 334

  8. Cathy Burns, ìMasonic and Occult Symbols Illustratedî, p. 77

  9. Silver Ravenwolf, ìTeen Witch, Wicca for a New Generationî, p. 215 Llewellyn Publications MN 1998

Chapter 16 The Wreath of God

  1. ìA Tudor Christmasî, p.6

Chapter 17 Can a Leopard Change its Spots?

  1. Dorothy Morrison, ìYule, A Celebration of Light and Warmthî, p. 7

  2. Flavius Josephus, ìAgainst Apionî, Book II, ß26

  3. Ibid. p. 7

Chapter 18 And Then Along Comes Mary

  1. Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer, ìInanna, Queen of Heaven and Earthî, p. xvi
    Harper and Row, NY 1988

  2. Loraine Boettner, ìRoman Catholicismî, p. 135

  3. Dorothy Morrison, ìYule, A Celebration of Light and Warmthî, p. 7

  4. ìThe Catholic Encyclopediaî, 1913 edition online

  5. Antonio A. Borelli and John R. Spann, ìOur Lady at Fatima: Prophesies of Tragedy or Hope? î, p. 35
    The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property Pennsylvania Third Edition 1994

  6. Ibid. p. 38

  7. Daniel Lynch, ìThe Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupeî The Missionary Image of Our Lady of
    Guadalupe, VT

  8. Catholic On-line, ìOur Lady of Lourdesî, First Apparition

  9. Antonio A. Borelli and John R. Spann, ìOur Lady at Fatima: Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope?î p. 57

  10. ìOur Lady of Guadalupeî web page.

  11. Catholic Online, ìOur Lady of Lourdesî, the tenth apparition

  12. Charles Dickson, ìA Protestant Pastor Looks at Maryî, pp. 103, 104
    Our Sunday Visitor Publishing division, IN. 1996

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