The Foundations of Buddhism
The Buddhist Path 201 insight: the question for them is rather how much calm and how much insight are required at the various st ...
8 The Abhidharma The Higher Teaching Stories, legends, texts, and authors It is told by some that after the Buddha gained awaken ...
The Abhidharma 203 what previous buddhas had done after performing this miracle. It came to his mind that they had ascended to t ...
204 The Abhidharma out and taught only by a buddha. Hearing it being recited-even without understanding it-can have a far-reachi ...
The Abhidharma 205 TABLE 8, The Abhidharma Pitaka THE ABHIDHAMMA OF THE THERAVADINS Dhammasmigm;i ('Enumeration of Dhammas') Vib ...
206 The Abhidharma who are often simply referred to as the Vaibha~ikas (exponents of the Vibha~a). In the early centuries of the ...
The Abhidharma 207 but in such texts we do not have a full system in the manner of the Theravadin or Sarvastivadin Abhidharma. A ...
208 The Abhidharma point of these distinctions is to draw attention to the fact that, as we have seen in Chapter 6, if we come a ...
The Abhidharma 209 do not always make the best poets, writers, or orators. But just as the theoretical understanding of language ...
210 The Abhidharma we think of atoms as bits of matter there is a tendency for the layman to conceive of them as inert enduring ...
The Abhidharma 2II this is what defines them as greed as opposed to some other dharma. In this technical sense of a dharma the c ...
212 The Abhidharma combination of just eighty-one classes of dharma. Indeed, accord- ing to an old image, the mind is far more c ...
The Abhidharma 213 consciousness involves forty-five of these classes of conscious- ness. Of the other forty-four, eighteen conc ...
214 The Abhidharma enjoyable sensations are neither wholesome or unwholesome, but considered to be the results of previous unwho ...
The Abhidharma 215 at the cultivation of happy and balanced states of mind as the basis for the gaining of the understanding tha ...
2!6 The Abhidharma as determined by our previous actions. Whenever I see, hear, smell, taste, or touch something that is intrins ...
The Abhidharma 2J7 done in the immediately previous life that is significant. What i~ said to be crucial in the process of rebir ...
zr8 The Abhidharma respects beyond our conscious ~ontrol. '!'hat is to say, certain. thin~s happen to us because of prev1ous act ...
The Abhidharma 219 exists between the parts, and that anyway it is true that we must relinquish attachment to our own individual ...
220 The Abhidharma One of the most intellectually creative explanations of thes~ related sets of questions is expounded by the S ...
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