islam, politics and change
100 islam, politics and change 6 Conclusion The multi-functionality and significant position of the mosque can, in many cases, l ...
the mosque as a religious sphere 101 To conclude, and to position the case in a more general trend, this specific form of confli ...
3 Enforcing Religious Freedom in Indonesia Muslim Elites and the Ahmadiyah Controversy after the 2011 Cikeusik Clash Bastiaan Sc ...
104 islam, politics and change a number of developments in recent years have led people to start questioning the idea of Indones ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 105 throughout the country suffered intimidation and physical violence, the government ...
106 islam, politics and change 3 The State Noted lawyer Adnan Buyung Nasution, who served as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’ ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 107 However, he also called on the Ahmadiyah community to ‘respect the joint [ministeri ...
108 islam, politics and change for Religion, Social Affairs and Women’s Empowerment (chaired by pkb politician Abdul Kadir Kardi ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 109 For the pkb, the Ahmadiyah issue also seems to have been used as an opportunity to ...
110 islam, politics and change Ahmadiyah issue should not be classified as a human rights issue. ‘It’s sacrilege, desecration of ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 111 For Arwani, the Ahmadiyah issue was not a problem of pluralism, but an internal pro ...
112 islam, politics and change Rubaie, the faction’s deputy chairman at the dpr. He said that blood should not have flowed, call ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 113 of Ahmadiyah cannot be given Muslim funerary rites or prayers and is not allowed to ...
114 islam, politics and change claiming to be part of Islam. The root of the problem is one of faith, she said, adding that Ahma ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 115 the true teachings of Islam, and if they do not want that, they should start their ...
116 islam, politics and change with its fatwas. However, largely due to the one-organisation-one-vote system,³⁷ hardline groups ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 117 The head office of the Nahdlatul Ulama in Jakarta (Advisory Council) and current me ...
118 islam, politics and change At the dpr, Masdar said the main way to get followers of the jai back into the fold of mainstream ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 119 of Islam] will be blocked by someone with absolute authority [i.e., a prophet].’ ‘T ...
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