islam, politics and change
120 islam, politics and change that differences in religious understanding can never be used to justify violence, and that the g ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 121 2008, right when pressure on the government to do something about Ahmadiyah was mou ...
122 islam, politics and change confrontation should be avoided at all costs. Instead, dakwah is the highest duty, he said, witho ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 123 the start.⁶⁰ The emergence of the informal Jaringan Intelektual Muda Muhammadiyah ( ...
124 islam, politics and change Ahmadiyah followers to return to mainstream Islamic teachings’.⁶⁴ After the Cikeusik incident he ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 125 Institute, which has no formal ties to the organisation. He urged people after the ...
126 islam, politics and change 4.3 Tarbiyah Activists Although the student movement kammi shares the goals and strategies of the ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 127 Ilyas preferred was that Ahmadis returned to the true faith. He stressed however th ...
128 islam, politics and change rights as citizens and human beings are respected in the context of the Indonesian nation-state. ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 129 sense, the Ahmadiyah controversy in Indonesia is part of a wider debate on seculari ...
130 islam, politics and change Lawmakers adopted a far more idealistic stance on the issue than civil society leaders. The polit ...
enforcing religious freedom in indonesia 131 have the right to live in Indonesia as citizens but also saw a need for dialogue to ...
part 2 SHARIA-BASED LEGISLATION AND THE LEGAL POSITION OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN Kees van Dijk In the closing years of the New Order ...
134 islam, politics and change After 1998, when the Reform Era started, the role of the central and regional government in promo ...
sharia-based legislation and the legal position of women and children 135 as well). In Bulukumba women visiting government offic ...
136 islam, politics and change Huis also touches upon problems women may encounter when it comes to their post-divorce rights wi ...
4 Sharia-Based Laws The Legal Position of Women and Children in Banten and West Java^1 Euis Nurlaelawati 1 Introduction Since th ...
138 islam, politics and change government offices and educational institutions and restricting their freedom to leave the house ...
sharia-based laws 139 understand the legal knowledge and awareness of women in general, I interviewed 12 women and distributed q ...
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