rayar: to scratch; to stripe; to cross out; to cancel; to underline; to excel; to rule lines on; to
break; rayar el alba, rayar el sol: to dawn
rayarse: to get scratched
rayo: ray; beam; bolt of lightning; bolt; thunderbolt; spoke; sudden misfortune; lively person;
que le parta un rayo: to hell with him
rayón: rayon; artificial silk
rayuela: hopscotch; pitch-and-toss
raza: race; breed; kindred; lineage; strain; pedigree; thoroughbred; cheek; nerve; light-woven
razón: reason; words; speech; right; justice; correctness; reasonableness; regard; respect;
information; account; explanation; rate; ratio; tener razón: to be right; no tener razón: to be
wrong; a razón de: at a rate of
razonable: reasonable; sensible; moderate; fair
razonamiento: reasoning; argumentation
razonar: to reason; to reason out; to ratiocinate
re: re; D
reabrir: to reopen
reacción: reaction; regeneration
reaccionar: to react
reaccionario: reactionary
reacio: stubborn; reluctant; unwilling; disobedient
reacondicionar: to refit
reactivación: revival
reactivar: to reactivate
reactivarse: to pick up
reactivo: reactive; reagent
reactor: reactor; jet; jet engine
readmisión: readmission; re-employment; reinstatement
readmitir: to accept back; to take back; to re-employ; to reinstate; to readmit
reafirmar: to confirm; to reaffirm
reafirmarse: to assert oneself
reagrupar: to regroup
reagruparse: to regroup
reajustar: to readjust
reajustarse: to readjust
reajuste: readjustment; increase; streamlining; reduction
real: real; actual; royal; regal; kingly; queenly; grand; magnificent; fine; handsome; army's camp
realce: glamour; highlight; importance; embossment; relief; raised work; enhancement;
emphasis; lustre; splendour
realeza: royalty
realidad: reality; fact; truth; sincerity
realismo: realism
realista: realistic; realist; royalistic; royalist
realización: carrying-out; implementation; fulfilment; achievement; production; execution;
realizado: fulfilled
realizador: director; producer; accomplisher
realizar: to make; to perform; to carry out; to implement; to go on; to achieve; to perform; to
fulfil; to realize; to produce
realizarse: to find fulfilment; to come true; to be fulfilled; to be carried out
realmente: in fact; actually; really; very