English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

rehacerse: to recover; to rally; to recover oneself
rehecho: stocky; thickset; sturdy; rehacer
rehén: hostage
rehogar: to fry lightly; to cook with a low fire
rehuir: to avoid; to evade; to flee; to shun; to shirk; to refuse; to decline
rehusar: to refuse; to turn down; to decline
reimplantar: to reintroduce; to reimplant
reimpresión: reprinting; reprint
reimprimir: to reprint
reina: queen; queen bee; darling; reina de los prados: meadowsweet; reina mora: hopscotch
reinado: reign
reinante: reigning; prevailing; prevalent
reinar: to reign; to prevail
reincidencia: recidivism; repetition
reincidente: reoffending; recidivist; reoffender
reincidir: to reoffend; to relapse; to go back
reincorporación: reincorporation; return
reincorporar: to reincorporate
reincorporarse: to return; to go back; to rejoin
reiniciar: to reset
reino: kingdom; world; realm
Reino Unido: United Kingdom
reinserción: reintegration
reinsertado: former terrorist reintegrated into society
reinsertar: to reintegrate
reinsertarse: to reintegrate
reintegrar: to pay back; to refund; to reinstate; to restore; to repay
reintegrarse: to return
reintegro: repayment; refund; payment; prize equivalent to the prize of the ticket
reír: to laugh; to laugh at; to giggle; to titter
reírse: to laugh
reiteración: repetition; reiteration
reiterar: to reiterate; to repeat
reiterativo: repetitive; reiterative
reivindicación: demand; claim; reivindication; vindication
reivindicar: to claim; to reivindicate
reja: grate; grating; grille; lattice; iron bars; ploughshare; plowshare
rejilla: small lattice or grille; latticed wicket; fire grate; grid; vent; luggage rack; baggage rack;
foot stove; cane; split rattan
rejón: lance; pointed iron bar; short spear that breaks off in bull neck
rejoneador: mounted bullfighter
rejonear: to fight bulls while on horseback
rejoneo: fighting bulls while on horseback
rejuvenecer: to rejuvenate; to be rejuvenated
rejuvenecerse: to be rejuvenated
relación: connection; relation; relationship; account; recital; narrative; list; statement; speech;
reference; respect; bearing; rapport; intercourse; dealings
relacionar: to link; to relate; to state; to enumerate; to list
relacionarse: to relate; to be acquainted or connected
relajación: relaxation; laxity; recreation; rest; dissoluteness

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