English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

revaluación: revaluation
revancha: revenge; return match
revanchismo: revanchism
revelación: revelation
revelado: developing; development; revealed
revelador: revealing; revealer; developer
revelar: to reveal; to develop
revelarse: to reveal oneself
revendedor: ticket tout; scalper; reseller; retailer
revender: to resell; to retail; to tout; to scalp
reventa: touting; scalping; resale; retail; ticket tout; scalper
reventado: burst; exhausted; worn-out
reventar: to burst; to crash; to explode; to blow up; to be full; to die; to kick the bucket; to be
dying to; to break up; to wreck; to ruin; to wear out; to kill; to annoy; to displease
reventarse: to burst; to smash; to work till exhaustion
reventón: burst pipe; blowout; tiring to death
reverberación: reflection; reverberation
reverberar: to be reflected; to reverberate
reverdecer: to become green again; to revive; to reawaken; to renew; to give new freshness and
reverencia: reverence; bow; curtsy; reverence; revering
reverencial: reverential
reverenciar: to reverence; to revere; to venerate
reverendísimo: Most Reverend
reverendo: reverend
reverente: reverent
reversa: reverse
reversible: reversible
reverso: reverse; back; wrong side
revertir: to revert
revés: back; wrong side; reverse; slap; backhand; setback; misfortune; al revés: the other way
round; on the contrary; inside out; upside down; del revés: the wrong way round; inside out;
upside down
revestimiento: coating; panelling; tiling; flooring; covering; coat; lining; facing; revetment
revestir: to cover; to coat; to line; to face; to revet; to put on; to clothe; to adorn; to disguise; to
give an air o expression to
revestirse: to put vestments on; revestirse de paciencia: to prepare to be patient; revestirse de
valor: to summon one's courage
revisar: to check; to revise; to audit; to review; to examine
revisión: check; service; revision; renew; revisal; verification; audit; checkup
revisor: inspector; conductor; ticket collector; auditor; revising; revisory
revista: magazine; review; examination; inspection; muster; parade; revue
revistero: newspaper rack; journalist who writes reviews about shows or bullfighting
revitalizar: to revitalize
revival: revival
revivir: to revive; to come to life again; to come back; to relive; to be renewed
revocación: revocation; repeal; reverse
revocar: to revoke; to repeal; to overturn; to reverse; to plaster; to render; to dissuade; to drive
revolcar: to knock down; to roll over; to floor
revolcarse: to wallow; to roll over and over; to roll around

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