salchichón: salami-type sausage
saldar: to close; to settle; to sell off; to pay; to put on sale; to liquidate; to sell at reduce prices
saldarse: to produce
saldo: balance; settlement; payment; result; outcome; liquidation; remnant; sale; remainder of
goods sold at reduced prices
saldrá, saldré, saldría: salir
saledizo: projecting; ledge; overhang
salero: salt cellar; wit; charm; sparkle
saleroso: sparkling; charming; lively; graceful; winsome
salga, salgo: salir
salicaria: loosestrife
salida: leaving; departure; start; exit; way out; trip; outing; rise; rising; appearance; market;
output; opening; prospect; opportunity; solution; excuse; pretext; funny remark; discharge;
springing; sprouting; publication; expenditure; end; salient; jut; projection; headway; lead
salido: projecting; sticking out; bulging; on heat; horny
saliente: outgoing; prominent; projecting; projection; jut; prominence; east; sunrise
salina: salt pan; saltworks; salt mine
salinidad: salinity
salino: saline
salir: to go out; to come out; to issue; to sally; to depart; to leave; to set out; to start; to get out;
to project; to protrude; to turn out; to rise; to appear; to come through; to come in; to enter; to
appear; to spring; to offer; to end; to come off; to shoot; to grow; to come out; to be; to be the
first to play; to be drawn; to be elected; to cost; to debouch; to lead; to look alike; to take after; to
resemble; salir adelante: to get by; to be successful
salirse: to leave; to leak; to escape; to overflow; to come off; to deviate from; salirse con la
suya: to have one's way
salitre: saltpetre; saltpetre; nitre; niter
saliva: saliva; spittle
salival: salivary
salivar: to salivate
salivazo: spit
salmantino: inhabitant of Salamanca
salmo: psalm
salmodia: psalmody; singsong
salmón: salmon; salmon-pink
salmonella: salmonella
salmonelosis: salmonella poisoning
salmonete: red mullet
salmuera: brine; pickle
salobre: brackish; briny; saltish
Salomón: Solomon
salón: living room; sitting room; reception room; function room; assembly room; hall; saloon;
show; exhibition
salpicadero: mudguard
salpicadero: instrument panel; dashboard
salpicadura: splashing; spattering; splash; spatter
salpicar: to splash; to spatter; to sprinkle; to intersperse; to read or touch on without order
salpicarse: to splash oneself; to spatter oneself
salpicón: seafood cocktail with onions and tomatoes; salmagundi
salpimentar: to season; with pepper and salt; to spice; to intersperse
salsa: sauce; gravy; dressing; salsa; salsa rosa: cocktail sauce