English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

sembrar: to sow; to seed; to scatter; to disseminate; to sprinkle; to strew; to instil; to instill
semejante: similar; alike; resembling; such; of that kind; resemblance; imitation; fellow being
semejanza: resemblance; similarity; similitude
semejar: to resemble; to look like; to be alike
semejarse: to resemble each other; to be like each other
semen: semen
semental: stud; breeding; seeding or sowing
sementera: sowing season; sown field; seeding; sowing; hotbed
semestral: half-yearly; six-month: six-monthly
semestre: semester; half-year; semestral
semicircular: semicircular
semicírculo: semicircle
semicircunferencia: semicircumference
semiconductor: semiconductor
semicorchea: semiquaver; sixteenth note
semifinal: semifinal
semifinalista: semifinalist
semilla: seed;
semillero: seedbed; nursery; hotbed; cause; seminary
seminario: seminary; seminar
seminarista: seminarian; seminarist; theological student
semiótica: semiotics
semiótico: semiotic
semita: Semitic; Semite
semítico: Semitic
semitono: semitone
sémola: semolina; groats
Sena: Seine
senado: senate; audience
senador: senator
sencillez: simplicity; easiness; plainness; unpretentiousness; naturalness
sencillo: simple; unassuming; single; change; one-way ticket; light; of light body; easy; plain;
unadorned; natural; unaffected; artless
senda: path; footpath; byway; way; lane
senderismo: hiking
senderista: hiker
sendero: path; footpath; byway; way; lane
sendos: one each; one to each or for each
senectud: old age; senility
Senegal: Senegal
senegalés: Senegalese
senescal: seneschal
senil: senile
senilidad: senility
sénior: senior
seno: breast; heart; bosom; lap; the midst; concave; cavity; hollow; womb; sinus; sine; gulf; bay;
belly; bight
sensación: feeling; sensation
sensacional: sensational
sensacionalismo: sensationalism
sensacionalista: sensationalist

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