señorita: young lady; miss; female teacher; title given by servants to a lady or to the lady of the
señorito: master; young gentleman; title given by servants to a gentleman or to the master of the
house; idle young gentleman
señorón: swell; bigwig
señuelo: lure; bait; decoy; enticement
seo: cathedral church
sepa: saber
sépalo: sepal
separación: separation; dismissal; discharge; secession; gap; space
separado: separate; separated; apart
separar: to separate; to dismiss; to discharge; to move away; to put aside
separarse: to split up; to separate
separata: offprint; reprint
separatismo: separatism; secessionism
separatista: separatist
sepelio: burial, interment
sepia: cuttlefish; sepia
septenio: seven-year period; septenary; septenium
septentrional: northern; septentrional
septeto: septet; septuor
septicemia: septicaemia; septicemia; blood poisoning
septiembre: September
séptima: seventh
séptimo: seventh
septuagésimo: seventieth; septuagesimal
sepulcral: sepulchral
sepulcro: tomb; sepulchre; sepulchre; grave; tomb
sepultar: to engulf; to bury; to entomb
sepultura: burial; grave; sepultura
sepulturero: gravedigger; sexton
sequedad: dryness; aridity; curtness; gruffness; surliness
sequía: drought; dry season
séquito: retinue; train; suite; cortege; entourage; group; popularity
ser: being; person; life; existence; to be; to cost; to happen; to lie in; to be made; to belong; to
come; to become
serafín: seraph
Serbia: Serbia
serbio: Serbian; Serb
serbocroata: Serbo-Croatian; Serbo-Croat
serenar: to calm; to serene; to pacify; to clear up; to cool water in the night air
serenarse: to calm down; to become calm; to regain one's self-possession
serenata: serenade; serenata
serenidad: calm; serenity; calmness; coolness; self-possession
sereno: calm; serene; cool; self-possessed; fine; clear; cloudless; sober; night watchman; serein;
night dew; al sereno: out in the open
serial: serial
serializar: to serialize
serie: series; heat; range; issue; set; de serie: stock; en serie: standardized; mass production
seriedad: seriousness; gravity; earnestness; reliability; reputability; sternness
serigrafía: serigraphy; silk-screen printing