English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

superponer: to put on top; to superimpose; to overlap; to superpose
superponerse: to be superimposed; to overlap
superposición: superimposition; overlap; superposition
superpotencia: superpower
superproducción: overproduction; lavish production
superrealismo: surrealism
supersónico: supersonic
superstición: superstition
supersticioso: superstitious
supervalorar: to overrate; to overestimate
superventas: best-selling; best seller
supervisar: to supervise; to oversee
supervisión: supervision
supervisor: supervisor
supervivencia: survival; survivorship
superviviente: survivor; surviving
supino: crass; stupid; supine
suplantación<: impersonation; fraudulent alteration; supplanting
suplantador: impersonator
suplantar: to impersonate; to supplant; to replace; to alter fraudulently
suplementario: supplementary; extra; supplemental
suplemento: supplement; extra charge; surcharge
suplencia: supply work
suplente: substitute; reserve; understudy; locum; supply teacher; substitute teacher
supletorio: additional; extra; extension; suppletory; supplemental
súplica: request; plea; petition; supplication; entreaty
suplicante: beseeching; imploring; supplicant; suppliant
suplicar: to beg; to beseech; to supplicate; to entreat; to pray
suplicio: torture; torment; corporal punishment; execution; place of execution; anguish;
suffering; ordeal
suplir: to replace; to substitute; to make up for; to supply
suponer: supposition; to suppose; to presume; to assume; to imply; to presuppose; to entail; to
mean; to involve; to have weight or authority
supongo, suponga: suponer
suposición: supposition; assumption; imposition; falsehood; consequence; distinction
supositorio: suppository
supranacional: supranational
supremacía: supremacy
supremo: supreme
supresión: suppression; abolition; elimination; omission
suprimir: to suppress; to abolish; to do away with; to eliminate; to leave out; to omit; to cut
supuesto: alleged; supposed; assumed; pretended; supposition; assumption; hypothesis;
suponer; por supuesto: of course; dar por supuesto: to take for granted
supuración: suppuration
supurar: to suppurate; to weep
supuse, supusiera: suponer
sur: south; southern; southerly
Suráfrica: South Africa
surafricano: South African
Suramérica: South America
suramericano: South American

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