sustituir: to replace; to substitute; to be a substitute for
sustitutivo: substitute; substitutive
sustituto: substitute; replacement
susto: fright; scare; fear; shock; apprehension; dar un susto: to frighten; to scare; to startle
sustracción: subtraction; deduction; theft; thieving; purloining; stealing
sustraer: to subtract; to deduct; to purloin, to steal; to take away; to steal; to remove
sustraerse: to elude; to evade
sustrato: substratum
susurrante: whispering; murmuring; rustling; purling; rustling
susurrar: to whisper; to murmur; to rustle; to purl
susurro: whisper; murmur; purling; rustle; murmuring; whispering; rustling
sutil: incisive; subtle; delicate; fine; thin; slender
sutileza: subtlety; subtility; thinness; slenderness; dexterity
sutura: suture; seam
suturar: to stitch
suyo: of his; his; of hers; her; of it; of yours; of them; his; her; their; it; yours