English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

undécimo: eleventh
ungir: to anoint
ungüento: ointment; unguent; salve
únicamente: solely; only
unicelular: unicellular; single-cell
unicidad: unique nature; uniqueness; unicity
único: only; sole; unique; unequalled; single; the only one
unicornio: unicorn; rhinoceros
unidad: unit; unity; oneness; wholeness; union; concord
unidimensional: one-dimensional
unido: united; close; joined; linked; being in union or concord
unifamiliar: detached; single-family
unificación: unification
unificar: to unite; to join; to unify; to standardize; to make uniform
uniformado: uniformed; in uniform
uniformar: to standardize; to make uniform; to put into uniform
uniforme: uniform; even; smooth; steady; regimentals
uniformidad: uniformity; evenness; smoothness; evenness
uniformizar: to make uniform; to standardize
unilateral: unilateral; one-sided
unión: union; unity; join; joint; contiguity; coupling; connecting; connection; amalgamation
unir: to join; to unite; to link; to bind; to marry; to combine; to mix; to blend in
unirse: to join together; to unite; to adhere
unisex, unisexo: unisex
unísono: unison; unisonant; unisonous; al unísono: on the same tone; in unison
unitario: single; unit; unitarian; united; joint; unitary
universal: universal; world
universalizar: to make universal; to universalize
universalizarse: to become universal
universidad: university; varsity; universality
universitario: universitarian; university; university student; graduate
universo: universe; world; universal
unívoco: univocal; unambiguous
uno: one
unos: some; a few
untar: to smear; to spread; to dub; to rub; to smear; to grease; to oil; to anoint; to grease the
palm of; to bribe
untuoso: greasy; oily; unctuous
uña: fingernail; nail; toenail; claw; talon; sting; hoof; thorn; stub; curved point; nail hole; fluke;
uñero: whitlow; ingrowing toenail
uperización: UHT treatment
uperizar: to treat using UHT process
uralita: material made of asbestos and cement used for roofing; asbestos sheeting
uranio: uranium; uranic
Urano: Uranus
urbanidad: politeness; courtesy; urbanity; civility; manners
urbanismo: town planning
urbanista: town planner
urbanización: urbanization; housing state; development; city planning
urbanizar: do develop; to urbanize; to render urbane; to develop

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