English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

valer: to cost; to be worth; to earn; to deserve; to be equivalent or equal to; to help; to be of use;
to fit; to be valid; to count; to hold; to protect; to defend; to help; to produce; to give; to yield; to
bring; to cause to get; to have power or influence; to avail; worth; merit; value
valerse: to manage; to help or defend oneself; to take care of oneself; valerse de: to make use
of; valerse por uno mismo: to manage on one's own
valeriana: valerian; setwall
valeroso: brave; courageous; valiant; valorous; active; powerful
valgo, valga: valer
valía: worth; value
validar: to validate
validez: validity
válido: valid; strong; robust; powerful
valiente: brave; courageous; valiant; strong; vigorous; fine; great; excellent; excessive; brave
person; bully
valija: case; suitcase; mailbag; valise; mail; post
valioso: valuable; worthy; important; powerful
valla: fence; hurdle; paling; stockade; barrier; obstacle; valla publicitaria: billboard; hoarding
vallado: fence; stockade; inclosure
vallar: to put a fence around or in; to palisade
valle: valley; vale; dale; river basin
vallisoletano: inhabitant of Valladolid
valor: value; worth; import; amount; importance; validity; force; bravery; valour; courage;
nerve; cheek; star; audacity; impudence; valores: values; securities; bonds; stocks
valoración: valuation; evaluation; assessment
valorar: to value; to appraise; to evaluate; to appreciate; to assess; to increase the value of
vals, valse: waltz
valuar: to value; to appraise; to rate
válvula: valve
vamos: come on; let's go; well; ir
vampiresa: vamp; femme fatale
vampiro: vampire; ghoul; usurer; vampire bat
van: ir
vanadio: vanadium
vanagloriarse: to boast; to brag; to show off; to be vainglorious
vandálico: destructive
vandalismo: vandalism
vándalo: vandal
vanguardia: van; vanguard; avant-garde
vanguardista: avant-garde; member of the avant-garde
vanidad: vanity; futility; empty word; inanity
vanidoso: vain; conceited; vain person
vano: vain; futile; shallow; hollow; empty; superficial; unrealistic; conceited; opening
vapor: steam; vapour; mist; exhalation; steamship; steamer
vaporizador: spray; vaporizer; atomizer
vaporizar: to vaporize
vaporizarse: to vaporize
vaporoso: steamy; hazy; misty; diaphanous; sheer; light; vaporous; vapoury; airy; ethereal
vapulear: to beat; to thrash; to treat badly; to lay into; to slate; to pan; to flog; to whip; to
vaquería: dairy farm; cowshed; cow-house; dairy
vaquero: cowboy; cowherd; denim; vaqueros: jeans

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