English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cadena: chain; network; channel; imprisonment
cadencia: cadence; cadency; rhythm
cadeneta: chain stitch; paper chain
cadera: hip; coxa
cadete: cadet; apprentice
caducar: ti run out; to lapse; to expire; to exceed its shelf life; to dote
caducidad: expiry; shelf life; caducity; lapse
caduco: senile; outdated; caducous
caer: to fall; to fall down; to drop; to tumble down; to realize; to become due; to lie; to be
located; to go down; to occur; to decline; to hang
caerse: to fall; to fall out
café: coffee; café; coffee shop
cafeína: caffein; caffeine
cafetal: coffee plantation
cafetera: coffeepot; coffee maker; percolator
cafetería: café; coffee house; bar
cafetero: pertaining to coffee; coffee gatherer; keeper of a café; coffee-drinking
cafeto: coffee tree or plant
cafre: thuggish; thug; savage; inhuman; rude; rustic
cagada: droppings; stupid mistake
cagado: chicken
cagalera: the runs; diarrhoea
cagar: to crap; to defecate; to soil; to defile; to make a botch of
cagarse: to be cowed
cagueta: chicken
caída: fall; drop; slope; descent; waterfall; lapse; spiritual ruin; arrangement of folds; depth;
caído: fallen; despondent; downcast; weak; downhearted; drooping
caimán: cayman; alligator
caja: box; chest; casing; cash box; safe; name of some institutions; frame; coffin; body; stock of
firearm; well of staircase; drum; socket; mortise; capsule
cajero: cashier; box maker
cajetilla: packet of cigarettes
cajista: typesetter; compositor
cajón: drawer; till; locker; large box; crate; kiosk; starting stall; ravine; coffin; casket
cajonera: chest of drawers
cal: lime; whitewash
cala: cove; bay; fishing ground; hold; sample; slice; arum lily; suppository; peseta; hole made in
a wall to try its thickness; probe
calabacín: courgette; zucchini; marrow; squash; fool; clot; dolt
calabaza: pumpkin; gourd; squash; dolt; dar calabazas: to refuse
calabobos: drizzle
calabozo: dungeon; cell; pruning sickle
calada: puff; soaking; sinking of a fishing net; swoop of a bird; shed
caladero: fishing ground
calado: soaked; holey; openwork; depth of water; draught; drawn work in linen; fretwork
calafatear: to caulk
calamar: squid; calamary
calambre: cramp: electric shock
calamidad: disaster; misfortune; calamity
calandria: lark; calander; calender; mangle; hoisting treadmill

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