from the Cross; landslide; generosity despreocupación: lack of concern; unconcern; carelessness;
sloppiness; unconcernedness
despreocupado: unconcerned; indifferent; careless; unprejudiced; unconventional; broadminded
despreocuparse: to abandon a prejudice
desprestigiar: to discredit; to impair the prestige of
desprestigiarse: to become discredited; to fall into discredit; to lose prestige
desprestigio: loss of prestige; discredit
desprevenido: unprepared; unprovided
desprolijo: untidy
desproporción: disproportion; disparity
desproporcionado: out of proportion; disproportionate
despropósito: stupidity; absurdity; nonsense
desproteger: to leave unprotected
desprotegido: unprotected; defenceless; defenseless
desprovisto: devoid; lacking; unprovided; deprived
después: later; after; afterwards; next
despuntar: to blunt; to break the point of; to sprout; to stand out; to excel
despuntarse: to break its point
desquiciado: crazy
desquiciamiento: unhinging; upsetting; unsetting; downfall
desquiciar: to unhinge; to disjoint; to upset; to unsettle; to drive mad
desquiciarse: to go wrong; to become unhinged; to come off its hinges
desquicio: mess; shambles
desquitar: to compensate for
desquitarse: to get one's own back; to retrieve a loss; to win back one's money; to take revenge;
to get even
desquite: revenge; retrieving; compensation; requital; retaliation
desriñonar: to wear out
desriñonarse: to wear oneself out
destacado: outstanding; prominent; distinguished
destacar: to emphasize; to dispatch; to detail
destacarse: to stand out; to be conspicuous; to detach itself
destajo: piecework; taskwork; a destajo: eagerly
destapar: to take the lid off; to open; to uncover; to uncork; to unplug; to reveal
destaparse: to get uncovered
destape: nudity
destaponar: to unblock; to remove the stopper from
destartalado: tumbledown; dilapidated; ramshackle; poorly furnished
destellar: to twinkle; to shine; to sparkle; to flash; to scintillate
destello: gleam; twinkle; flash; glimmer; spark; scintillation; beam; sparkling; twinkling
destemplado: irritable; unpleasant; intemperate; disagreeable; out of tune
destemplar: to make ill; to make unwell; to disrupt; to put out of tune; to disturb the harmony of
destemplarse: to become unwell; te feel a malaise; to lose one's temper; to lose moderation
destensar: to slacken
destensarse: to go slack; to slacken
desteñir: to fade; to undye; to discolour
desteñirse: to fade; to lose the dye
desternillarse: to break one's gristles; desternillarse de risa: to split one's sides with laughter
desterrar: to exile; to banish; to dismiss; to reject
desterrase: to go into exile
destetar: to wean