excelencia: excellence; excellency
excelente: excellent; very good; very fine
excelentísimo: most excellent
excelso: eminent; sublime
excentricidad: eccentricity
excéntrico: eccentric; crank
excepción: exception
excepcional: exceptional; unusual; uncommon
excepto: but; except; apart from; excepting; save
exceptuar: to exclude; to except; to exempt
excesivo: excessive
exceso: excess; surplus; intemperance; outrage
excipiente: excipient
excitable: excitable; temperamental
excitación: agitation, excitement
excitante: exciting; stimulating; stimulant
excitar: to work up; to excite; to stimulate; to arouse; to move
excitarse: to get excited; to get worked up
exclamación: exclamation
exclamar: to exclaim; to cry out
exclamativo: exclamatory
excluir: to exclude; to leave out; to rule out; to bar; to debar
excluirse: to be mutually exclusive
exclusión: exclusion
exclusiva: exclusive rights; exclusive story; rejection
exclusive: exclusive; exclusively
exclusividad: exclusiveness
exclusivo: sole; exclusive; select
excombatiente: ex-serviceman; veteran
excomulgado: excommunicated; excommunicate; imp of mischief
excomulgar: to excommunicate; to anathematize
excomunión: excommunication
excrecencia: excrescence; excrescency
excremento: excrement
excretar: to excrete; to void excrements
excretor: excretory
exculpación: exculpation; exoneration; acquittal
exculpar: to exonerate; to exculpate
excursión: trip, excursion; outing; tour; hike
excursionismo: hiking
escursionista: day tripper; hiker; excursionist
excusa: excuse; excusing; apology
excusado: forgiven; exempt; excused; needless; unnecessary; lavatory; toilet; bathroom
excusar: to excuse; to forgive; to save; to spare; to avoid; to prevent; to exempt from
excusarse: to apologize; to excuse oneself
execrable: execrable; deplorable; contemptible
execrar: to execrate; to deplore; to condemn
exención: exemption
exento: exempt; free; deprived; bare; isolated; disengaged
exequias: funeral rites; exequies; obsequies
exfoliación: exfoliation