English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

Hawai: Hawaii
hawaiano: Hawaiian
hay: hacer; there is; there are
haya: beech; hacer
haz: bundle; sheaf; faggot; gavel; beam; pencil; fascicle; face; visage; hacer
hazaña: feat; exploit; deed; achievement
hazmerreír: laughing stock; joke of the party
he: haber
hebilla: buckle; clasp; slide
hebra: thread; string; strand; filament; fibre; staple; seam; grain
hebreo: Hebrew
hecatombe: catastrophe; hecatomb
hechicería: witchcraft; sorcery; witchery; wizardry; enchantment; charm; spell; fascination
hechicero: wizard; sorcerer; enchanter; charming; fascinating
hechizar: to cast a spell on; to bewitch; to captivate; to enchant; to charm
hechizo: spell; magic; charm; fascination; false; artificial
hecho: mature; done; action; deed; event; fact; de hecho: in fact; hacer
hechura: cut; shape; form; build; creation; creature; physique
hectárea: hectare
heder: to stink; to reek; to pall
hediondo: stinking; repulsive; fetid; annoying; filthy; dirty; obscene
hedonismo: hedonism
hedor: stink; stench; foul smell
hegemonía: dominance; hegemony
helada: frost; freeze
heladera: refrigerator; fridge; freezer
heladería: ice-cream stall; ice-cream-parlour
heladero: ice-cream seller
helado: ice-cream; sherbet; frozen; frozen over; freezing; frostbitten; frigid; cold; chilly; stunned
helar: to freeze; to congeal; to chill, to ice; to frostbite; to astound; to amaze; to discourage
helarse: to freeze; to be frostbitten
helecho: fern; bracken
hélice: propeller; spiral; helix
helicóptero: helicopter
helio: helium
helipuerto: heliport
helvético: Helvetian; Swiss
hematíe: red blood corpuscle; red cell
hematologia: hematology
hematoma: bruise; haematoma
hembra: female; woman; girl; socket; eye; nut
hemeroteca: newspaper library
hemiciclo: semicircle; hemicycle; floor
hemiplejia: hemiplegia
hemisferio: hemisphere
hemofilia: haemophilia
hemofílico: hemophiliac
hemoglobina: hemoglobin
hemopatía: blood disease
hemorragia: haemorrhage; hemorrhage
hemorroides: haemorrhoids; piles

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