hinchado: swollen; bloated; full; pompous; tumid; vain; puffed up
hinchar: to inflate; to blow up; to bloat; to swell; to exaggerate
hincharse: to swell up; to stuff oneself; to overeat
hinchazón: swelling; tumefaction; vanity; pride; haughtiness
hindi: Hindi
hindú: Hindu
hinduismo: Hinduism
hinojo: fennel; de hinojos: on one's knees
hipar: to hiccup; to pant; to snuffle
hiper: hypermarket
hipérbaton: hyperbaton
hipérbola: hyperbola
hipérbole: hyperbole
hiperbólico: hyperbolic
hypermarket: superstore
hipermétrope: long-sighted; far-sighted
hipermetropía: long-sightedness; hypermetropia
hipersensible: hypersensitive
hipertensión: hypertension; high blood pressure
hípica: show jumping; horse racing
hípico: equine; pertaining to horses; show jumping; horse racing
hipnosis: hypnosis
hipnótico: hypnotic
hipnotismo: hypnotism
hipnotizado: hypnotized
hipnotizador: hypnotist; hypnotic
hipnotizar: to hypnotize
hipo: hiccup; longing; dislike; hatred
hipocampo: sea horse; hippocampus
hipocondría: hypochondria
hipocondríaco: hypochondriac
hipocrás: hippocras; spiced wine
hipocresía: hypocrisy
hipócrita: hypocritical; hypocrite
hipodérmico: hypodermic
hipódromo: racecourse; racetrack; hippodrome
hipopótamo: hippopotamus
hipotálamo: hypothalamus
hipoteca: mortgage; pledge; hypothec
hipotecar: to mortgage; to pledge; to hypothecate
hipotensión: hypotension; low blood pressure
hipotenusa: hypotenuse
hipotermia: hypothermia
hipótesis: hypothesis; theory
hipotético: hypothetical
hippy: hippie
hiriente: wounding; cutting; smarting; offensive
hirsuto: hirsute; hairy; bristly
hisopo: aspersorium; aspergillum; sprinkler; hyssop
hispalense: Sevillian
hispánico: Hispanic