English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

hostigar: to harass; to worry; to plague; to lash; to whip; to flog
hostil: hostile
hostilidad: hostility
hotel: hotel; villa; detached house
hotelero: hotel manager; hotelkeeper; hotel
hoy: today; now; hoy en día: nowadays; at the present time
hoyo: hole; pit; hollow; dent; pockmark; grave
hoyuelo: dimple; small hole or pit
hoz: sickle; gorge; ravine
huachafo: pretentious
hube, hubiera, hubiese: haber
hucha: money box; money bank; savings; nest egg
hueco: hollow; empty; vain; conceited; proud; deep; affected; pompous; puffed; inflated; soft;
spongy; cavity; void; interval; socket; opening
huecograbado: photogravure for a rotary press
huelga: strike; leisure; recreation; huelga decir: needless to say; huelga de celo: work-to-rule
huella: footprint; tread; treading; print; impression; trace; track; rut; huella dactilar: fingerprint
huelo, huela: oler
huérfano: orphan; orphaned
huerta: fruit and vegetable garden; orchard; irrigated region
huerto: fruit and vegetable garden; orchard; kitchen garden
huesillo: dried peach
hueso: bone; stone; pit; hard or unwelcome job; very strict person
huésped: guest; lodger; boarder; host
hueste, huestes: army; host; followers
huesudo: bony; big-boned
hueva: roe
huevera: eggcup; egg box; egg dealer
huevería: egg shop
huevero: egg dealer
huevo: egg; ball; testicle; courage; guts
huevón: idle; jerk
huida: escape; flight; shying of a horse
huidizo: shy; distrustful; fugitive; evasive
huido: fugitive
huir: to flee; to fly; to escape; to run away; to avoid; to shun
hule: oilskin; oilcloth; rubber; goring
hulla: coal; mineral coal
hullero: pertaining to coal
humanidad: mankind; humanity; humaneness; human weakness; corpulence; fleshiness
humanismo: humanism
humanista: humanist
humanístico: humanist
humanitario: humanitarian; humane; charitable; benevolent
humanizar: to make humane; to humanize; to soften
humanizarse: to become more human
humano: human; humane; compassionate; human being
humareda: cloud of smoke; a great deal of smoke
humeante: smoky; steamy
humear: to smoke; to steam; to emit fumes or vapour; to get proud; to take on airs; to fumigate
humedad: humidity; moisture; dampness

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