mentiroso: lying; deceptive; liar; deceitful; mendacious
mentís: lie; denial
mentol: menthol
mentolado: mentholated
mentón: chin
mentor: mentor
menú: menu; food; bill of fare; menú del día: set meal
menudear: to do frequently; to repeat frequently; to happen frequently; to come down in
abundance; to go into details
menudencia: trifle; insignificant thing; minor matter; smallness; minuteness; minute accuracy;
pork products
menudeo: retailing; constant repetition; incessant happening; retail
menudillos: giblets
menudo: small; little; minute; tiny; exact; slight; trifling; trivial; insignificant; blood and entrails
of butchered animals; a menudo: often
meñique: little finger; pinky; tiny; very small
meollo: core; heart; marrow; pith; substance; judgement; sense
meón: constantly urinating
mequetrefe: twerp; jerk; whippersnapper; jackanapes
mercachifle: hawker; pedlar; merchant
mercader: trader; merchant; dealer
mercadería: merchandise; goods
mercadillo: flea market; street market
mercado: market
mercadotecnia: marketing
mercancía: merchandise; goods; commerce; trade; mercancías: freight train
mercante: merchant
mercantil: mercantile; commercial
mercantilismo: mercantilism
merced: grace; favour; favor; gift; grant; mercy; will; power; disposal; vuestra merced: you; sir
mercenario: mercenary; hired; stipendiary
mercería: haberdasher's; haberdashery; notions store
mercurio: mercury
Mercurio: Mercury
merecedor: worthy; deserving
merecer: to deserve; to be worthy; to merit; to attain; to obtain; merecer la pena: to be
merecerse: to deserve
merecido: well deserved; fully deserved; recibir su merecido: to get one's deserts
merendar: to have tea; to have for tea; to have as an afternoon snack
merendarse: to thrash; to trounce; to manage to get
merendero: open-air café; snack bar
merendola: picnic
merengar: to ruin; to mess up
merengue: meringue; merengue
meretriz: harlot; strumpet
merezco: merecer
meridiano: midday; crystal-clear; obvious; bright; dazzling; meridian
meridional: southern; southerner; meridional
merienda: afternoon snack; tea; picnic
meriendo: merendar