English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pela: peseta
pelada: pelt; sheepskin stripped of wool
peladilla: sugared almond; small pebble
pelado: haircut; bald; bare; hairless; featherless; treeless; leafless; peeled; naked; penniless; bare;
pelador: peeler
peladura: peeling; plucking; stripping; peelings
pelagatos: nobody; penniless fellow; ragamuffin
pelaje: fur; hair; pelage; coat; clothes; apparel; look; sort; kind; description
pelambre: mop of hair
pelambrera: mop of hair; place in which hair is removed from hides; alopecia
pelandusca: prostitute; harlot; strumpet
pelapapas: potato peeler
pelar: to peel; to shell; to pluck; to remove; to cut; to bark; to hull; to fleece; to clean out; to beat
pelarse: to have one's hair cut; to peel
peldaño: step; stair; rung
pelea: fight; wrangle; combat; struggle; argument; row
pelear: to fight; to battle; to struggle; to argue; to quarrel; to work hard
pelearse: to fight; to argue; to quarrel; to fall out
pelele: dummy; stuffed figure; baby's knitted sleeping suit; rompers; nincompoop
peleón: argumentative; cheap wine
peletería: fur shop; furrier's; furriery; fur trade; furs
peletero: furrier; fur
peli: movie; film
peliagudo: tricky; difficult; arduous; sly; clever
pelícano: pelican
pelicano: grey-haired
película: movie; film; moving picture
peliculón: great movie
peligrar: to peril, to be in danger
peligro: danger; peril; risk; hazard; menace; distress
peligroso: dangerous; perilous; risky
pelillo: tiny hair or fibre; trifle; trifling; pelillos a la mar: let bygones be bygones
pelirrojo: red-haired
pellejo: skin; hide; pelt; rawhide; water-skin; wineskin; drunkard
pelliza: pelisse; fur-trimmed coat
pellizcar: to pinch; to pick at; to nip; to take a pinch of
pellizco: pinch; nip; small quantity
pelma, pelmazo: annoying and boring; pain in the neck; bore; lump; sluggard; compressed mass
pelo: hair; fibre; filament; hair's breadth; smallest thing or quantity; coat, fur; pile; nap; down;
flaw; difficulty
pelón: hairless; bald; poor; penniless; dried peach
pelota: ball; hand ball; ball game; flatterer; crawler; boat made of leather; accumulation of debts;
en pelota: naked
pelotari: pelota player
pelotazo: blow or hit with a ball; drink
pelotear: to have a kick about; to knock up; to check an account; to argue; to dispute; to wrangle
peloteo: kick about; knock-up; flattery
pelotera: row; argument; dispute; quarrel; wrangle
pelotero: footballer; baseball player
pelotillero: crawler; flattering; crawling

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