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Dhara ̄ Ón ̄a is an ek ̄agrata ̄ a ‘fixing on a single point,’ but it differs from the ekagrat ̄ ̄aof samadhi ̄ states, for in d ...
the term pratyaya-eka-tanat ̄ ̄a. Pratyaya refers to the effort or contents of the mind, and eka-t ̄anat ̄ameans “flowing as one ...
Tad evartham ̄ ̄atra-nirbhasa ̄ msvarÓ ̄upa- ́s ̄unyam iva sam ̄adhiÓh. Meditative trance or sam ̄adhiis the same as meditation ...
The Eight Stages of Sam ̄adhi SABÎJA SAMÅDHI (Sam ̄adhi‘with seed’) Samadhi ̄ with samskÓ ̄aras(impressions of experience) produ ...
to be the Cognitive Trance (samprajñata sam ̄ adhi ̄ ).... When however all the modifications come under restraint, the trance i ...
The four types of samprajñ ̄ata sam ̄adhi (also called samapattis ̄ or ‘coalescences’ of mind with the object of meditation) cor ...
transformation is samadhi parin ̄ ama ̄. Then follows ek ̄agrat ̄a parin ̄ama, where arising and subsiding cognitions are the sa ...
sam ̄adhiand vyadhi ̄. In this chapter’s final section, “Liberation as Heal- ing in Classical Yoga,” conclusions about the thera ...
therapeutic paradigm can be excavated as follows from these central pas- sages of the Yoga-sutras: ̄ Pa r iÓn ̄ama-t ̄apa-samskÓ ...
Yoga ̄ng ̇ ̄anuÓsÓth ̄an ̄ad a ́suddhi-kÓsaye jñana-d ̄ ̄ıptir ̄a viveka-khyathe ̄ Óh. By practice of the components of Yoga, wh ...
Yoga’s four-part therapeutic paradigm not only identifies the com- mon healing functions of Yoga and medical science, but also c ...
these domains. An example is pr ̄aÓnay ̄ ̄ama, control of subtle vital energy achieved by regulating the gross physical action o ...
If we leave aside pathogenicity and hygiene from the concept of im- purity, we uncover the underlying principle of impurity as ‘ ...
attachment to objects of pleasure and pain. Non-attachment in turn re- sults in non-suffering. Well-being and non-suffering are ...
Fields:Religious Therapeutics page 138 blank ...
Chapter Four TANTRA ANDAESTHETICTHERAPEUTICS The various yogas give different priority to the role of the body. HaÓtha Yoga, par ...
relationality, sexuality, and the feminine (which is the gender of prakÓrtior materiality). These elements are central in the T ...
must be imparted by a guru ̄ and cannot be gained from texts. M. P. Pan- dit writes: “No text gives the s ̄adhanain full for it ...
cosmos. Transformation of energy, sakti ́ , is an inescapable fact of exis- tence, and T ̄antric s ̄adhanauses systematic practi ...
Íakti, converging to a central point (bindu), signifying the undifferen- tiated Brahman.^13 Yantraliterally means instrument, or ...
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