Programming and Graphics
1.2 The binary system 9 According to the American Standard Code for Information Interchange convention (ASCII), 128 characters a ...
10 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics 1.3 Binarysystemarithmetic The English word “arithmetic” derives from the Greek ...
1.3 Binary system arithmetic 11 + 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 - 11 10 100 100 1000 1000 carry: - 1 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -- ...
12 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Using these rules, we confirm the previous calculation, 111 x 101 --- 111 (111 t ...
1.4 Computer memory 13 1.3.2.Subtract the binary of 7 from the binary of 10, and confirm that the result is the binary of 3. 1.3 ...
14 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics RAM is commonly called “system memory” or “internal memory.” Input is sent to th ...
1.5 Computer programming 15 ROM is used for storing the basic input/output operating system (BIOS). Since information stored in ...
16 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics is explained in Section 1.7. An assembly code implementing the bubble-sort algor ...
1.5 Computer programming 17 In a typical symbolic language, we issue statements such asA=A+B,which means “add the number B to th ...
18 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics a compiler and an assembler is that the former understands logical structures, w ...
1.6 Floating-point representation 19 1.6 Floating-point representation The floating-point representation allows us to store real ...
20 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics When the exponent takes a value that is higher than the maximum value or lower t ...
1.6 Floating-point representation 21 Extended precision It is sometimes necessary to use extended precision that employs 128-bit ...
22 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Problems 1.6.1.Derive the floating-point representation in single precision with ...
1.7 The hexadecimal system 23 representation in single precision using four-byte word lengths that accommo- date eight hexadecim ...
General Features of C++^2 In this chapter, we explain how to write, compile, and execute (run) a basic C++ program. The program ...
2.2 Grammar and syntax 25 where: intindicates that an integer will be returned on completion. The penul- timate line sets this ...
26 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics C++ is (lower and upper) case sensitive For example, the variableechidnais diffe ...
2.2 Grammar and syntax 27 Note that it is not necessary to put a semicolon after the closing bracket. This practice is consisten ...
28 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics 2.3 Datatypes In mathematical modeling and computer programming, we introduce va ...
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