Programming and Graphics
Programming and Graphics Introduction to C++ ...
1 3 C. Pozrikidis Programming and Graphics Introduction to C++ ...
Constantine Pozrikidis Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman ...
Preface The C++ programming language was introduced by Bjarne Stroustrup of the AT&T laboratories in 1985 as an extension of ...
vi Preface This book This book is a brief and basic introduction to C++ for everyone and especially for scientists and engineers ...
Preface vii it supports several dialects dependent on the chosen compiler. All compilers support the ANSI/ISO standard C++ funct ...
viii Preface and end-user applications. Its development was announced by Richard Stallman in 1983. Cygnus: a genus of beautiful ...
Contents ...
1 Computers and Computing 1.1 Hardwareandsoftware........................ 1.2 Thebinarysystem 1.3 Binarysystemarithmetic 1.4 Co ...
Computers and Computing^1 Computers are intelligent devices that mimic human behavior with respect to remembering data and event ...
2 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics pulse time of the computer circuitry, representing the highest attainable ideal r ...
1.2 The binary system 3 called the boot loader which, in turn, launches the operating system. The boot loader resides in the fir ...
4 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics and the number ten is the radix of the decimal system. Computers are two- fingere ...
1.2 The binary system 5 where the ones are repeatedptimes. The decimal-number equivalent is 1 × 2 p−^1 +1× 2 p−^2 +1× 2 p−^3 +·· ...
6 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics Bytes Byte 8bits 20 = Kilobyte (Kbyte) 210 = 1024Bytes 210 = 1024 Megabyte (Mbyte ...
1.2 The binary system 7 Decimal Binary Hexadecimal 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 10 2 3 11 3 4 100 4 5 101 5 6 110 6 7 111 7 8 1000 8 9 1001 9 1 ...
8 Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics [ ...[(bk2+bk− 1 )2+bk− 3 )2+...+b 1 ] 2+b 0 (16) + [ ...[(b−l^0 .5+b−l+1)0.5+b−l ...
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